Tag Archives: Find

Heal Your Self: A Journey to Find You

In this inspirational workbook, Janet Greene shows us how to dissolve a lifetime of painful experiences, emotional wounds and fears that created a wall around our true self. Heal Your Self – A Journey to Find You empowers readers to access and permanently remove this wall, or subconscious cause of their emotional distress and life difficulties with a revolutionary technique called Greene s Release. The Greene s Release Technique is accredited with transforming how people view emotional trauma, life s drama, the ability to permanently heal and release their cause and rediscover the freedom to be themselves. Now we can let ourselves dream because we know how to remove the cause of any obstacle with the Greene s Release technique. It is empowering to realize by doing these exercises I am holding my life in my hands. I have the power to live my life as I would like, as I decide to create it. It is entirely up to me. The plan is all in my hands, to create, shape and mold as I
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The Very Simple Law of Attraction: Find Out What You Really Want from Life . . . and Get It! (The Inner Power series)

Discovering true desires in life and reaching goals faster is made easier with this manual that provides tips on making a home’s environment more loving and cozy and an office space more centered and empowering. With instructions on how to surround oneself with positive images for the mind—and showing how negative ones can sneak into a space—this guide helps alter the energy of a room, changing one’s attitude as well as others who are in it. This feng shui method teaches how to focus on what one’s desires are, how to create an attractive environment that supports them, and that doing so will help continue to achieve positive results.


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