The original classic touch and feel book that has been entertaining babies for over 60
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The original classic touch and feel book that has been entertaining babies for over 60
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Make the Law of Attraction Work for You
The Law of Attraction has been embraced by millions as a powerful, life-changing tool. Yet while many are familiar with the theory that thinking positive will attract positive elements into your life, putting it into practice can be difficult to master. Realizing this after years of working with clients as a personal coach, Denise Coates developed fun, practical exercises for applying the Law of Attraction. Clients soon started to overcome their mental blocks and to experience the natural well-being of the Universe. These empowering, enlightening exercises — more than fifty in all — embrace every area of life, including wealth, health, career, body image, romantic relationships, and inner peace.
Truly, profoundly uplifting and bursting w