Tag Archives: Expressions

The Red-Hot Book of Spanish Slang: 5,000 Expressions to Spice Up Your Spainsh

Don’t sound like una momia–add a little sizzle to your Spanish! If someone called you tragaldabas would you be insulted or flattered? If you shouted ¡Mota! in the street, would you expected to get a cab or get arrested? Thanks to The Red-Hot Book of Spanish Slang and Idioms, you’ll always know your tejemaneje (scheme) from your merequetengue (mess) no matter where you find yourself in the Spanish-speaking world. Five thousand words and phrases–plus helpful hints as to what’s cordial and what’s vulgar–keep you in sync with Spanish slang. Spanish to English niños popis (upper-class kids) Spoiled brats Contigo ni a China me voy. (I’m not even going to China with you) You’re impossible La cruda (rawness) Hangover English to Spanish Ugly as sin ser un espantapájaro (to be a scarecrow) To be lucky tener leche (to have milk) Why are you staring at me? ¿Tengo monos en la cara? (Do I have monkeys on my
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The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms

The cat will never get your tongue once you have The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms. This book defines nearly 10,000 idioms — expressions consisting of two or more words whose combined meaning is different from the literal meaning of the individual words. Each entry has both a definition and a sentence showing the idiom used in context. Most entries offer an explanation of the idiom”s origin and indicate when the expression first appeared in English.


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Dictionary of German Slang and Colloquial Expressions (Paperback)

Dictionary of German Slang and Colloquial Expressions

This quick-reference dictionary for language students and travelers to German-speaking countries presents more than 4,000 informal, commonly-used words and phrases in German with English translations and equivalent phrases. International travelers quickly discover that their textbook knowledge of German will take them only so far in understanding and communicating with others. This new edition, updated with many of the most contemporary expressions, will help all students and travelers who have an intermediate-level knowledge of German but need to familiarize themselves with informal speech. Words and phrases are presented with grammatical information, their English meanings, and a sentence or extended phrase in German to illustrate usage, followed by the English translation. The Dictionary of German Slang and Colloquial Expressions is one title in Barron’s series of slang dictionaries in several different languages. Because of the nature of slang, these books (more…)

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