Tag Archives: English

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

This newly updated edition of America’s favorite dictionary features revised biographical and geographical entries as well as up-to-date charts and tables for topics such as world currencies and chemical elements. Among the 500 entries new to this update are Amber Alert, blogosphere, gravitino, halo effect, hawala, lycopene, malware, micropolis, proteome, Qi Gong, SARS, shout-out, speed dating, sudoku, Texas hold’em, text message, and wiki.

The renowned American Heritage® Usage Panel, a group of more than 200 distinguished writers, scholars, and scientists, offers advice on problems of grammar and style; engaging notes explain word histories and clarify differences among synonyms; thousands of quotations and example sentences show words in context; and elegant definitions are enhanced by 4,000 full-color photographs, drawings, and maps, making this one of the most readable dictionaries available anywhere.

This dictionary can also be purchased with a fully loadab


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Third New International Dictionary of the English Language [Unabridged] [Hardcover]

Third New International Dictionary of the English Language

Amazon.com Review

If big is better, the unabridged Webster’s Third New International Dictionary is among the best. Weighing 12.5 pounds and measuring 4 inches thick, its 2,662 pages define more than 450,000 words spanning “a” to “zyzzogeton,” including words (“disselboom” for instance) not found in other dictionaries, plus clear definitions, comprehensive etymologies, interesting asides, literary usage quotes, and a comfortable typeface. More than 150 years of accumulated scholarship helped collect the 10,000,000 usage examples that accurately provide definitions, and $3,500,000 went into producing this impressive volume. With Webster’s Third you get a lot of dictionary for your money.

Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged, is the largest, most comprehensive American dictionary available, containing over 472,000 entries, 14,000 new words in a special Addenda Section, 3,000 illustrations, and 140,000 etymologies des (more…)

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The Routledge Dictionary of Modern American Slang and Unconventional English (Kindle Edition)

The Routledge Dictionary of Modern American Slang and Unconventional English


“The charms of The Routledge Dictionary of Modern American Slang and Unconventional English bring to mind a younger brother with troubled friends who has memorized long stretches of dialogue from movies starring stoners or mobsters.” — The Nation, December 2008 Praise for The New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English, edited by Tom Dalzell and Terry Victor: ‘This dictionary informs, but it also entertains.’ Booklist ‘This dictionary is huge fun.’ The Times Literary Supplement ‘…no term is excluded because it might be considered offensive as a racial, ethnic, religious, sexual, or any kind of slur…’ Against the Grain ‘…the editors have succeeded in … observing high standards of lexicography while producing an accessible work.’ Choice ‘…you can dip in just about anywhere and enjoy the exuberant, endless display of human inventiveness with language.’ BOOKFORUM ‘Modern American Slang is an unbeatable bargain, soundly academic, a (more…)

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