Tag Archives: English Dictionary

Larousse Advanced French-English/English-French Dictionary (Hardcover)

Larousse Advanced French-English/English-French Dictionary

Completely updated! The ultimate reference for advanced students of French–or anyone wishing to master the French language. Modern and comprehensive, the “Larousse Advanced Dictionary” is aimed at people who want to take their learning of French to the highest level. It stands apart from other dictionaries of its size thanks to its user-friendly and educational design. Included are 250,000 terms and references and over 400,000 translations. This dictionary contains boxed notes help clarify the most common expressions,insuring the correct usage every time. Every advanced learner of French will find that this is THE dictionary of French language and culture.

About the Author

The Larousse editorial team includes many language and reference experts based in countries around the world. In this way the linguistic team keeps it’s finger on the pulse of living languages as spoken by the native language speakers of these countries.


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