Tag Archives: English

Perro grande… Perro pequeño / Big Dog… Little Dog (Spanish and English Edition)

Illus. in full color. Trans. by Pilar de Cuenca & Inés Alvares. “The presence of the English text beneath the Spanish makes it especially helpful in the primary-grade bilingual
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First Spanish Reader for beginners bilingual for speakers of English (French Edition)

There are simple and funny Spanish texts for easy reading. The book consists of Elementary and Pre-intermediate courses with parallel Spanish-English texts. The author maintains learners’ motivation by funny stories about real life situations such as meeting people, studying, job searches, working etc. Method ALARM (Approved Learning Automatic Remembering Method) utilize natural human ability to remember words used in texts repeatedly and systematically. The author had to compose each sentence using only words explained in previous chapters. The second and the following chapters of the Elementary course have only 30 new words
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Spanish Stories / Cuentos Españoles (A Dual-Language Book) (English and Spanish Edition)

Unique format offers 13 great stories in Spanish — from classics by Cervantes and Alarcon to contemporary works by Borges and Goytisolo. Complete faithful English translations on facing pages. Includes Spanish to English vocabulary, biographical-critical introductions,
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