Tag Archives: Edward Pajak

Teaching Outside the Box: How to Grab Your Students By Their Brains (Paperback)

Teaching Outside the Box: How to Grab Your Students By Their Brains


“Each teacher must have a toolkit of time-tested strategies that are effective with all types of students. Teaching Outside the Box is the unique resource that also acknowledges the importance of each teacher’s personal attitudes and beliefs about teaching. I am recommending this book to every teacher I know!” –Gayle Robertson Jones, Safe and Drug-Free School Coordinator, Oklahoma State Department of Education “LouAnne Johnson is an exceptional teacher who is unafraid to grapple with the untidy human realities of teaching and learning, and who is willing to share the secrets of her success with others. Teaching Outside the Box offers a wealth of important questions and answers that all teachers should seriously think about.” –Edward Pajak, director, graduate education, Johns Hopkins University “As a student, I wish all teachers would read this book. If they put these strategies to use, school would be more fun. Teaching Outside the Box sho (more…)