Tag Archives: distance education degree

Prepare For A New Career With Your College Degrees!

Adults throughout the country are updating their skills and training for new jobs at a time when unemployment rates are high and the economy sluggish.  Obtaining their university degrees online is one way they are changing lemons into lemonade.

Take, for instance, the case of a Rhode Island financial planner. She told the Providence Journal in April that the industry had changed, that she saw computers and the Internet as the future and that she had returned to school to “retool”.  A man who reportedly held a dozen jobs since his 1996 high school graduation and was laid off in 2008 from a payroll company where he worked returned to school to study Web design, according to this same Journal report.

People by some estimates change careers every 10 years, and Labor Department approximations suggest that 40 percent of the American population changes jobs annually, according to a “32 Trends Affecting Distance Education” report. What’s more, the report noted the Information Age that we’re in is expected to bring about a continuous cycle of retraining and retooling.

Adults who are interested in retraining and retooling might find online college classes and degree programs particularly appealing. Many of these programs better enable students to schedule studies between family and work responsibilities. Students enrolled in distance college offerings can also save on time, fuel and costs needed for commuting while, at the same time, enhancing their technology skills simply by participating in coursework. Adults interested in updating their skills or training for new careers can find online degree programs available at the associate, bachelor, master’s and doctorate levels. Online certificate programs also are available.

Online college programs are offered by virtual institutions, as well as by colleges and universities with physical campuses. Some of these programs are provided entirely online; others combine distance learning with time campus-based elements. Online college enrollment and the number and variety of degree programs have seen substantial growth. Some degrees online can provide students with training for careers that themselves are expected to experience growth. Reports suggest that these areas include engineering and environmental sciences, health care, and technology.

A California woman with a bachelor degree and several teaching credentials experienced success after retraining in the area of the environment, according to an April San Diego News Network report. Unable to find a teaching job in 2008, this woman participated in a certificate program and has since landed a job in sales for a Pasadena company that provides composting services and education, the news network noted.

At least one school in the Atlanta area offers a hybrid doctorate program intended especially for those who want to change jobs, according to an April report in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. This particular program is designed for executives who want to become professors. Among its students: a six-figure executive who was laid off, out of work for 10 months and laid off from yet another job not long afterward, the Journal-Constitution article noted.

Experts recommend that students considering distance degree for university degrees select schools that are regionally accredited. When an online school is accredited, there’s a better chance students can transfer credits and obtain financial aid, the U.S. Department of Education suggests. Obtaining your masters degree is one step on the way to better job and financial prospects. If you would like more information about PhD degree, please check the internet.

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Online Degree Can Improve Your Career Advancement!

Whether you’ve been considering a career change, or you just want to improve upon your current skill set, an online education has great value for many. Experts agree that the flexibility and value for your time and money make this form of education extremely worthwhile. Enhance your resume and current qualifications or begin working in a new field with online degree course classes. The opportunities are varied and many.

Work toward a degree at an online college, and enjoy the same benefits you would receive at a traditional college or university. This type of degree program is designed for each individual student. Regardless of your education level, your time restraints, or your familiarity with the subject, you will find something that suits your needs. Debate and learn from highly trained instructors and other peers.

Advance your current career with greater ease, as you will be more familiar with the course materials than someone that is taking courses for the first time. If you’d rather switch career paths altogether, you can be assured that you can take in the material and study at your own pace, meeting goals and absorbing the materials. You will find it beneficial in either situation.

The short lectures offered in an online classroom setting give people the ability to absorb the information in the most effective ways possible. This knowledge can be used in their everyday lives and enhance their current position, without taking time away from their normal business hours. When attending classes on campus at a traditional college, commute time and classroom learning hours add up, chipping away at your day.

Online learning may also be more cost-effective than the offerings of brick-and-mortar institutions. According to the media outlet, degree programs in subjects such as healthcare informatics – including the 10-credit certification at the University of Phoenix that costs approximately $6,000 per student – are typically less expensive than those at traditional colleges.

Small businesses and large corporation alike are discovering the benefits of online education. They’re throwing away the old model of all-day conference room meetings and embracing the powers of modern technology. In lieu of physical work meetings to train employees on new programs, companies are creating short online sessions that can be done on office computers, or even Internet capable cell phones.

This type of learning environment is conducive to better knowledge retention and the ability to capture and hold the attention of learners more effectively. Professionals across the board agree that job performance increases when this type of learning is introduced. Individuals who have previously attended online universities are already a step ahead of the game if they’re a part of a company that is newly transitioning to this modern style of education.

The benefits of enrolling in your college degrees are many. Take advantage of working on your studies when it’s most convenient for you, save money on tuition and other related costs, and still receive a quality education. Explore if a on line degrees is applicable in your situation. Whether your current company is utilizing an online learning program, or you’re taking courses on your own to launch a new career, there is much to be gained from this form of education. For varied information about online graduate degrees, check the internet.

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