Tag Archives: Dictionary Of The English Language

The American Heritage Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs

The ability to understand and use phrasal verbs—verbs that are followed by one or more particles, acting as a complete lexical unit—is essential to the full comprehension of English. The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs lists and defines thousands of phrasal verbs, such as look up as used in the sentence “She looked up the word in the dictionary.” Extremely useful to both learners of English as a second language and native speakers of English, this completely new reference work draws on the authority of The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, while incorporating new material for thorough, up-to-date coverage of phrasal verbs. Each fully defined phrasal verb is entered in an A–Z format and is followed by helpful example sentences that place the verb in context and show how the verb fits into the sentence structure. For example, at button up, meaning “to fasten all the buttons on a garment,” full sample sentences illustrate


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The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Editon: Print and CD-ROM Edition (.)

This newly updated edition of America’s favorite dictionary features revised biographical and geographical entries as well as up-to-date charts and tables for topics such as world currencies and chemical elements. Among the 500 entries new to this update are Amber Alert, blogosphere, gravitino, halo effect, hawala, lycopene, malware, micropolis, proteome, Qi Gong, SARS, shout-out, speed dating, sudoku, Texas hold’em, text message, and wiki.

The renowned American Heritage® Usage Panel, a group of more than 200 distinguished writers, scholars, and scientists, offers advice on problems of grammar and style; engaging notes explain word histories and clarify differences among synonyms; thousands of quotations and example sentences show words in context; and elegant definitions are enhanced by 4,000 full-color photographs, drawings, and maps, making this one of the most readable dictionaries available anywhere.

This dictionary can also be purchased with a fully loadab


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The American Heritage College Dictionary, Fourth Edition

The newly updated American Heritage® College Dictionary, Fourth Edition, presents the very best that a college dictionary can offer.
It features all the qualities that have distinguished the American Heritage® name for decades: a clear and accessible defining style, expert usage advice, and more than 2,500 photographs and drawings that enhance the definitions and invite browsing.
New to this updated release are recently prominent terms such as blue state, edamame, and fattoush. The Periodic Table of the Elements includes the newest element, roentgenium. Biographical entries are fully up-to-date, and geographical entries reflect the latest geopolitical changes.
And now for the first time, The American Heritage® College Dictionary includes a registration card with a unique passkey code that allows the user to download directly to a PC or Mac the entire contents of The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, as well as Roget’s II: The New


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