Tag Archives: Cosmetic Product

Face Lotion To Reduce Age Spots – Best Face Lotion For Age Spot Removal

Are you in need of an effective face lotion to reduce age spots, and are having trouble finding one that works? This is a major problem that people are experiencing with not only a face lotion reduce age spots,  but just about every other type of cosmetic product. The formulas that we are frequently being offered simply do not contain the correct ingredients for allowing us to be successful in treating our skin.

The most commonly offered face lotion to reduce age spots will contain melanin inhibitors such as hydroquinone, mercury (II) chloride, or mercury iodine, and they if the treatment is a prescription skin whitener it will contain a retinoid. A retinoid is a chemical compound which is suspected of activating tumor suppressor genes, and it is included in these products because of the suspected ability to treat skin cancers.

Any retinoid, mercury (II) chloride, and mercury iodine are all toxic, and should not be used on the skin at all, and are particularly not recommended for prolonged intake. Hydroquinone has been proven to cause leukemia in mice and other animals, and is thought to possibly have the same effect in humans. Chemical melanin inhibitors should never be included in a face lotion reduce age spots, nor should chemical agents be included in any cosmetics products, because they have the potential to cause great harm to the user.

A face lotion to reduce age spots needs to contain nothing except all natural compounds, not only for the safety of the user but because these components are far more effective in producing healthy skin. Natural compounds possess properties that enable them to penetrate deeply, moisturize more efficiently, and better provide the skin with the vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids that the skin needs in order to be healthy.

There are some very effective natural melanin inhibitors that can be used in a face lotion reduce age spots, and none of these is more potent than Extrapone nutgrass root extract from India. This compound has the ability to reduce the melanin hyperpigmentation in your skin by more than 40%, and cause no adverse effects to the user. This ingredient will blend your skin perfectly, and prevent the future formation of age spots.

A face lotion to reduce age spots that is formulated using the correct ingredients will take care of all of your problems.  Extrapone nutgrass root is the component you need to be successful in eliminating age spots.