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Copywriting Tips

Within this article today on copywriting tips, we’ll look at how you can acquire more clients as well as improve your writing skills.

Improving these two skills will allow you to have a meteoric rise in the income that you bring in. Many copywriters are very strong in their profession but are not very good at procuring clients. If you are able to sell yourself to potential clients, you’ll never find yourself short of work. The ability to sell yourself is what will set you apart from all the other freelance copywriters out there. You must make sure that you have a portfolio of your best work. Within this portfolio, you’ll want to have a letter explaining your qualifications along with samples of your writing as well as testimonials from your previous jobs. If you are able to e-mail this to your potential clients, this will help set you apart. They can see the professional work you have done in the past as well as the client base that you currently work with. If you are able to reference Fortune 500 companies you have worked with, this will continue to improve your credibility. If you are just starting out in the copywriting field, delete the potential references and replace this with more work that you have done in the past. If you have worked for an advertising agency and are beginning to freelance, make sure to include some the work that you have done at the advertising agency.

Two possible ways that you can acquire clients are to post at different contracting websites such as elance.com or directfreelance.com. You can also research companies who you can potentially see if they need work. If you spend time reading the business section every day, cut out articles that might be within your particular field and keep them in a centralized location. This could be a potential source of leads for you depending upon how the companies are doing and if it is in a predicament where your skills may be needed

If you want to learn more about writing great copy, look into learning more about Dan Kennedy. He is one of the world’s foremost experts on direct selling and reading through his book will give you some insights into how to write great copy. The book that you want to specifically pick up is called “The Ultimate Sales Letter.” This book breaks down the Kennedy system of writing great copy. By taking the time to read through this, you’ll be able to see what he has done to be so successful and he takes the time to look through different examples that you can see what works with in many of these advertisements.

Hopefully this article today on copywriting tips has proven to be beneficial to you. Stephen King was once quoted in Time magazine that writing is similar to working out. When you work out and lift weights, within a period of time, you’ll find yourself becoming much stronger and more muscular. The same can be applied to copywriting. If you continue to develop your skills and write habitually every day, you’ll find yourself becoming a better writer over the course of time. The key behind copywriting tips is that you must apply them.

Copywriting Vancouver

If you are looking at copywriting in Vancouver, remember that you have great opportunities in front of you for several different reasons. With the growth of the Internet and the development of online freelance markets, you are able to work on projects from all over the world. You are not limited to companies that are located strictly in Vancouver. This article on copywriting in Vancouver will focus on the different freelance online markets that you can use as well as certain opportunities that you may have with in your local area.

There are several online freelance markets which you will want to look into for possible work. The first one which you should look into it is: http://www.elance.com. This website is great because it has an established base of customers as well as new customers looking for work every week. Within their website, it was listed that more than 100,000 potential customers visit the website every week. This is a great deal of business which you may not be privy to if you do not join the website. You can have particular projects e-mailed to you when they’re posted and you’re also able to post a profile to showcase the best work that you have done.

The second website which you should look into is: http://www.directfreelance.com. This website does not receive as much traffic as the website profiled in the first paragraph but you’ll find that it is also a valuable resource for you. It has the same capabilities in that you can have jobs that meet your criteria e-mailed to you when they are posted. These two websites should spotlight for you the ease with which you can work in Asia or in Vancouver without having to worry about your particular local market.

Vancouver is also a great place where you can work. In Vancouver, there are local job boards which you can use to post your particular skills or look for local projects. The first one is www2.vcn.bc.ca/directory?catid=25. The second one is http://vancouver.craigslist.org/. The beauty of working in Vancouver in looking for Vancouver projects is that if someone feels uncomfortable using the Internet to employ a copywriter, you are able to meet with that particular individual and sell yourself. If you look on these two websites, use that as a competitive advantage to set yourself apart from your competition which may not be in your direct area. Copywriting is such a competitive field that you will need to take advantage of whatever resources you have available and the fact that you live where the client lives can be a huge selling point.

Hopefully copywriting in Vancouver has given you a better idea of how you can work around the world as well as within your locale. Remember that you can bid on projects from any part of world and how you present yourself in the work that you are able to do will often be what sets you apart from the competition. No matter what type of job you bid on, be sure to find some sort of selling point that will allow you to set yourself apart from the competition. This could be the local factor if a potential client lives in Vancouver or it could be something else. Good luck in finding jobs within copywriting in Vancouver.

Copywriting Tips and Tricks

Within this article on copywriting tips and tricks, we will look at how you can take a sales letter and maximize its usage in eight different ways. This comes directly from a book written by Dan S. Kennedy, titled The Ultimate Sales Letter. This book comes highly recommended as he is one of the foremost experts on copywriting with in the world today.

Copywriters have a very interesting niche in that you can use your own writing to help you develop leads. If you find that you had many inconsistent advertising methods, think about developing a sales letter to help bring in qualified leads. If you develop a successful sales letter, you can send this out in quantities which you pre-determine. The beauty of this is that you can quantify the amount of work that you want to do in a given month and mail out that many sales letters. After having used a consistent sales letter for a certain period of time, you will know what the response rate is and this will allow you to know how much business you should potentially get from mailing a certain number of letters. This can make sure that you always have clients coming into the door when you want them to. It can also help you better pattern the business after your life and lifestyle so that you can pick up the pace when you have extra time and slow things down when other parts of your life become busier.

If you have quite a few clients who are telemarketers or you would like to start developing telemarketers as potential clients, you may want to look into developing a sales letter for one of these companies. Telemarketing has become much more expensive and more inconsistent these days due to new laws and it is an industry with very high turnover. Developing a sales letter to send to qualified prospects in the beginning can make telemarketing more effective for these companies and potentially reduce turnover. If you are able to quantify the savings in training employees as well as in better sales, you will find yourself called upon by many telemarketing companies because you will have put yourself in their shoes and can understand the business struggles that they go through.

The final way that we will use a sales letter and one way in which you could increase your business is to focus upon dentists and doctors office. Often these professionals are consistently looking for new clients and this could be a way to help them out. You could use a sales letter to help stimulate referrals.

These were just a few of the ideas that came from this great book. If you are looking at copywriting and have been in the field for awhile, this article can be very valuable because it can offer new places to look for business. Hopefully this article on copywriting tips and checks will benefit you with more dollars in your bank account.