Tag Archives: college degree

EarnYour Masters Degree At Your Own Pace

Everyone wants to get the most bang for their buck, especially with today’s economy being what it is. The idea of returning to higher education for the university degrees needed to compete seems impossible, but it doesn’t have to be. Just because you’re on a tight budget does not mean your education should be sacrificed. It is an extremely large decision to be made, as it will take some time and money to make happen.

Traditional degree programs at brick-and-mortar institutions are designed to cater to students who have few obligations outside of school. Curricula that require inflexible scheduling, group projects and hours of research in a library are not conducive to lives of working adults who have a great deal of personal and professional responsibilities.

Online colleges understand how this works, and always create learning programs with these things in mind. You can work from home, on your own time, without having to compromise the quality of education you receive. You can keep your schedule as is, and work on classes when it is most convenient for you.

If you’re returning to school for the first time in years, and you need time to readjust to the learning experience, you will find that an online learning program is perfect for you. You will be able to spend as much or as little time as you need on any given aspect of the course, and you can take your  time doing coursework.

If you’ve never taken a course online, you can become more familiar with this style of learning by first enrolling in a free online class. Many colleges offer this as an introduction to online learning, so students can get to know the way it works before enrolling in a full online degree program. You can ease your way back into an education more fluidly this way.

Online university programs could also help individuals whose education was interrupted feel more comfortable in their learning efforts. Classroom-based universities could intimidate some returning students and make them feel self-conscious, as they may worry they will be judged for their age. Conversely, distance degree candidates can focus their energy on their studies and take comfort in the fact that many of their classmates are pursuing higher education for the same reasons they are.

Some distance degree programs require monthly meetings, which could help adult learners socialize and network with individuals who have similar goals. In turn, they could learn from their fellow students and regain the confidence they will need to market themselves to employers. This valuable information will allow students to take away much more than just basic knowledge when pursuing their education.

The flexibility of an online program for one or more of your needed college degrees is a huge advantage and benefit to working professionals across the nation. Join the thousands of students who enroll in their associate’s degree every year, some for associates degrees, some for their online bachelor, and work toward a better place in your professional life. Work on improving at your current job, or switch to an all-new and exciting career that will leave you satisfied.

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    Choose Your Courses Online With Care!

    With the economy down and unemployment on the rise, people are going back to school to achieve a college degree. With the influx of younger workers, adults who stay stagnate with their education run the risk of being looked over while looking for a new career or continue leveling up at their current job.

    Fortunately, several online colleges have developed programs that allow students to focus on their careers while they pursue a degree. Because these individuals can prove their ability to multitask by excelling in work and school at the same time, they could have the opportunity to improve their value to their employers.

    It is likely though, that the amount of work and added stresses may be too much for some people and they will be unable to juggle work and an online education. Many employees think they are untouchable or savvy enough to handle any unforeseen changes in their employment and still find a job in the tough open market. With that said, it is ever more apparent that no job is safe, from the bottom to the top of any business, because of this rocky economic climate.

    Many companies are entirely content with picking from the many overly qualified people who are available to them now. The amount of jobseekers out there allows hiring companies to cull from only what is shown on a person resume rather than even having an interview.

    In turn, the employees who are entrenched, who do not have a higher education, are being let go. Companies are insisting that any new hire have a higher education with at least a bachelors degree. During this economic uncertainty is ever apparent that an applicant’s resume be on par with the degree they have.

    Consequently, individuals who wish to improve their job security or move into another field may want to consider enrolling in an online bachelors degree program. Many of these courses of study allow students to complete coursework on their own time, which could help them keep up with their work or job seeking efforts while they work toward this certification.

    Jobseekers who continue on with college may show the person interviewing them that they have a strong desire to further improve themselves. Businesses may realize the amount of effort it takes to search for a job while working on a higher education, these job applicants who show initiative will translate it to their productivity. Those who are within a job might find that discussing further education with a supervisor might lead to tuition assistance. Continuing your education in a degree that will be advantageous to your company might be enough to have them pay for your education costs.

    Those who are open to the idea of your course online may notice that it helps their chances on the job market. The advantage of taking your degree is that there is not one location the person must be at to take their classes, freeing them to be able to search farther away for a job. One or all of these benefits might be instrumental in an applicants life and are an obvious case for why degree programs online are becoming ever more popular.

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    Get Your Distance Degree And Stay Employed In A Bad Economy!

    Adults and young adults are reportedly setting out for career training at a time when unemployment rates are high, the economy is sluggish and record numbers of students are completing high school. What many are finding is that the flexibility of distance college is allowing them to get their college degrees online as they continue their life obligations.

    Community colleges that offer associate degrees are experiencing growth and soaring enrollments online and on campus. Several are targeting programs to local business needs and worldwide 21st century demands, according to reports.

    Some 3.1 million young adults ages 18 to 24 were enrolled in community college in October 2007, a number that by 2008 climbed to 3.4 million, the Pew Research Center reported. In Rhode Island, the state’s community college is experiencing what it calls its second highest enrollment in its history, the Providence Journal reported. In Michigan, community college enrollment accounts for 44 percent of all U.S. college enrollments, according to a WWJ Radio Great Lakes IT Report.

    The number of young adults ages 18 to 24 enrolled in community college climbed from 3.1 million in October 2007 to 3.4 million in 2008, according to the Pew Research Center. In states such as Rhode Island and Michigan, community college enrollment is reportedly reaching record rates at colleges and comprising nearly half of all enrollments throughout the country, reports from the Providence Journal and the Great Lakes IT Report suggest.

    Students also are turning to online community college offerings in substantial numbers, a Sloan Consortium report noted. Their enrollments over a five-year period accounted for more than half of all online college course enrollments, with nearly 2 million students in fall 2006 taking at least one online associate degree program class, according to the report published in 2007.

    A Bureau of Labor Statistics report forecasts that occupations requiring some advanced education are to experience higher growth rates into 2018 than those that call for on-the-job training and that positions requiring associate degrees category are to see higher growth rates. The report listed medical and physical therapy assistants, home health and personal and home care aides, physical therapy aides, dental hygienists, veterinary technicians and dental among the fastest growth positions that require an associate degree or less, with median annual earnings that in 2008 ranged from $19,180 to $46,140. This is not surprising as baby boomers, a large percentage of the population, age.

    Rhode Island’s community college is working to help prepare students for current and future job demands locally and statewide, the Providence Journal noted. In Kentucky, a business publication known as the Lane Report in May told of a growing college program that breaks down barriers to higher education by bringing classes to students, in some instances at their place of work. The program, which is considered accelerated, allows students to earn an associate degree in as few as 20 months, the Lane Report noted.

    Facilitating the convenience of earning your online diploma is the flexibility of the programs. They simply fit into the hectic lifestyles most are living today. Continuing on, careerists are finding they can participate in your bachelor of science, even at the height of their busiest work days. For more information about on line degrees, check the internet.

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