Tag Archives: (Classic);
The Butter Battle Book: (New York Times Notable Book of the Year) (Classic Seuss)
“Dr. Seuss chronicles the feud between the Yooks and the Zooks from slingshots through sophisticated weaponry, until each side has the capacity to destroy the world. The language amuses, the drawings are zesty and humorous, and the demand for this book will be large.”–School Library Journal. “Provocative, packs an allegorical punch. The parade of increasingly elaborate (and ridiculous) armaments makes a telling
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A Text-Book of the History of Painting (Classic Reprint)
FORCED MOVEMENTS, TROPISMS, AND ANIMAL CONDUCTCHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONThe analysis of the mechanism of voluntary and instinctive actions of animals which we propose to undertake in this volume is based on the assumption that all these motions are determined by internal or external forces. Our task is facilitated by the fact that the overwhelming majority of organisms have a bilaterally symmetrical structure, i.e., their body is like our own, divided into a right and left half.The significance of this symmetrical structure lies in the fact that the morphological plane of symmetry of an animal is also its plane of symmetry in physiological or dynamical respect, inasmuch as under normal conditions the tension in symmetrical muscles is the same, and inasmuch as the chemical constitution and the velocity of chemical reactions are the same for symmetrical elements of the surface of the body, e.g., the sense organs.Normally the processes inducing locomotion are equal in both halves of Table of
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