Tag Archives: Careerpath

Resumes For Dummies (Paperback)

Resumes For Dummies


A must for any job seeker. — Doug Elliot, Career Counselor/One-Stop Career Center ManagerIf college graduates had a Joyce Lain Kennedy to guide them … there would certainly be fewer unfocused, frazzled, jobless people. — Dr. Drema K. Howard, Director, Career Resource Center, University of South FloridaJoyce Lain Kennedy is at the top of her field. — Richard K. Knowdell, CEO, Career Planning and Adult Development NetworkSolid, cutting-edge resume advice with today’s Internet technology — the best of the resume books.” — Michael R. Forrest, CEO, JobOptions; founding CEO, CareerPath.com and JobWeb
–This text refers to an alternate


Is your job search stalling out after you submit a resume but before you’re offered an interview? With reinvented recruiting technology, unmanageable millions of resumes choking employer databases, and government mandates in the name of diversity, a gigantic change has occurred in t (more…)