Tag Archives: Books

The Historical Books (Interpreting Biblical Texts Series)

In The Historical Books, Richard D. Nelson introduces neophyte readers to the basic concepts of history and historical writing and provides a simple framework of events and periods that can be used to situate historical data reported in texts or presupposed by them. Standard interpretive methods are accessibly explained and illustrated by consistent reference to 2 Samuel 24. The focus of discussion moves from the narrow level of individual pericope to larger units of meaning. Because the ultimate goal is to expose the claims made on the reader by these biblical texts and to help the reader make sense of these claims, the interpretive spotlight rests on the present interaction of text and reader rather than on the
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50 Self-Help Classics: 50 Inspirational Books to Transform Your Life

Thousands of books have been written offering the secrets to personal fulfillment and happiness, but which ones can really change your life? In 50 Self-Help Classics: 50 Inspirational Books to Transform Your Life, Tom Butler-Bowdon has sorted through the bewildering array of self-help books to bring together fifty of the most important works on personal development and self-motivation. Representing the very best of the genre and appreciating that each of us is inspired by different underlying philosophies, Butler-Bowdon summarizes each writer’s background, the book’s primary concepts, and who benefits by reading it. Time-strapped readers can easily compare ideas to enrich their understanding of self-awareness and self-improvement with the likes of: Marcus Aurelius; The Bhagavad-Gita; The Bible; Robert Bly; Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyers; Deepak Chopra; Paulo y Coelho; Stephen Covey; The Dalai Lama & Howard C. Cutler; Ralph Waldo Emerson; Viktor Frankl; Benjamin Franklin; Thomas
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Cengage Advantage Books: Philosophy: A Text with Readings (with CD-ROM and InfoTrac®) (Advantage Series:)

Providing the highest quality content at the lowest possible price, this Cengage Advantage title is ideal for students on a budget. Velasquez’s CENGAGE ADVANTAGE BOOKS: PHILOSOPHY – A TEXT WITH READINGS combines clear prose and primary sources to provide a meaningful exploration of philosophy. You’ll explore a wide range of topics, such as human nature, feminist theory, diversity, and aesthetics. Included with your purchases is access to InfoTrac College Edition’s online university

Sale Price:$43.84

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