Tag Archives: Bob Proctor

The Book That Inspired ‘The Secret’

How often does one idea excite the whole planet? Every couple of thousand years or so? Sometimes things touch our thoughts in just such a profound way. “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne has had that sort of effect on us. “The Secret” is causing quite a stir with people and it seems to keep getting stronger and stronger.

Many people didn’t pay a lot of consideration to that note at the start that said she was “given a glimpse of a great secret .” I know I sure didn’t. But I found out that there was a book that gave her that glimpse! The book came out over 100 years ago and, like the purloined letter, has been available for you and me ever since. Bob Proctor, a guru in “The Secret,” says it has been motivating him for over 30 years.

I got a copy of this self help book and have been reading it, and it’s making changes in my life already! From a historical perspective, this book was written when many people were exploring new ways of looking at their relationship with the universe. Many of the New Thought pioneers like Edgar Cayce, Ernest Holmes and the Filmores were bringing new ideas to public awareness.

One of the important themes in this self help book is that it is our imperative to experience prosperity in our lives| Although we hear many explanations about spiritual riches, many people still think it is the opposite of material riches. In this book we are shown that if we teach ourselves to think in a “certain way” we will learn to work with the “formative substance of the universe” to create spiritual riches in our lives.

Here are some of the headings in this book:

The Right To Be Rich
The First Principle
How Riches Come To You
Thinking In The Certain Way
Acting In A Certain Way
Getting Into The Right Business
The Advancing Man

Here are a couple of the precious gems from this book:

“No man” or woman “can rise to his greatest possible height in talent or soul development unless he has plenty of money; for to unfold the soul and to develop talent he must have many things to use, and he cannot have these things unless he has money to buy them with.”

“It is the desire of God that you should get rich. He wants you to get rich because he can express himself better through you if you have plenty of things to use in giving him expression. He can live more in you if you have unlimited command of the means of life.”

Are you interested in learning more? This book is in the public domain and you can get a copy at no charge at Self Help Hotline Secret. We want you to have a copy so you can find out about the more prosperous life that you deserve.

P.S. Science and philosophy both tell us we can influence our environment. Wealth is a state of mind Let’s take conscious control of our lives!
Adam Dillinger owns the Self Help Hotline and has been involved in self improvement and New Age thinking since childhood. He is pleased about sharing these ideas with you and helping people achieve their personal level of abundance and fulfillment.

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    The Best 11 Forgotten Laws Review

    Want to find an 11 Forgotten Laws Review to figure out what all of the hype is about. If you are looking at this review you probably already know what the 11 forgotten laws are universal laws that apply to everyone. Here is a list of the different laws:

    * Increase
    * Law of Compensation
    * Non-Resistance
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    * Obedience
    * The Law of Attraction
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    Developed by Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey who are two huge names in the field. This is a huge course which consists of 12 CD’s, PDF transcripts, step-by-step workbook, and a couple of bonuses. There is a total of over 90 lessons and close to 7 hours of audio material that will help guide you.

    Here are some of the course highlights:

    Due to the digital nature of the product it can be used anywhere that you have a CD player or computer of you can even download it to your Ipad or other digital media device.

    Because this product was made by experts you know that you get two lifetimes of experience packed into one gigantic course. It was not made by someone that sat down at his computer and read a couple of websites and made this product.

    Like most digital products it comes with a no questions asked full refund if you are not satisfied with the product.


    Because of how much is in the course it is very easy to get intimidated but go slow and take your time.

    It also involves some faith in the principles because just as the principles say what you think is what you get so if you believe in your mind they do not work then they are not going to. So make sure you go into starting the course with an open mind and a receiving heart.

    In conclusion the 11 Forgotten Laws Reviews is not a magic product that you are just going to listen to and the world is going to become a wonderful place without any extra work like some other products claim. Due to the nature of the course and the areas it covers it is something that you will continue to practice for yourself even after you have learned everything you need to know from the course.

    Do the 11 Forgotten Laws Appeal To Your Intelligence? If so check out my full 11 Forgotten Laws Review on my site Personal Development Today. Find out for yourself what all of the buzz is about

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