Tag Archives: Anxiety

Self-Coaching: The Powerful Program to Beat Anxiety and Depression, 2nd Edition, Completely Revised and Updated

The simple, untold truth about anxiety and depression is that they are habits of insecurity—and, like all habits, they can be broken. In this new edition of the highly successful Self-Coaching, Dr. Joseph Luciani shows you how to change your way of thinking and develop a healthy, adaptive way of living through his proven Self-Talk strategy for coaching yourself back to
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Take Control Of Your Life: Self Help For Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Confidence, Success & More

This self help book is designed to be something that will be a useful part of your life not just a few hours read. I wanted to create something that covered many of life’s difficulties so that over the years you always have a reference manual with ruffled edges from continued use. This book covers self help topics from depression, anxiety, PTSD, phobias, OCD and pain management, to addictions and sleep difficulties. Unlike many other books I don’t want to portray that I am the cause of your positive change. My aim is to be a guide that gives you ideas to help you take control in your life for your own change
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Five Simple Steps to Emotional Healing: The Last Self-Help Book You Will Ever Need [Paperback]

Five Simple Steps to Emotional Healing: The Last Self-Help Book You Will Ever Need

From Publishers Weekly

For those scared off by the seemingly endless self-help road and amenable to New Age philosophy, Gloria Arenson, a psychologist specializing in energy and power therapies, presents Five Simple Steps to Emotional Healing: The Last Self-Help Book You Will Ever Need. Arenson practices and ardently recommends Meridian Therapy, a technique stemming from acupressure that allows people to decrease their levels of stress without professional help. By tapping on eight different spots on their bodies, practitioners can alleviate anxiety, the impacts of trauma, compulsive behaviors and any number of other difficulties. Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc.


Gary H. Craig founder of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Gloria Arenson has brought the startling new techniques of energy psychology to the public in such a readable way that now anyone can have the keys to emotional freedom. — Review

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