Tag Archives: American

The American Heritage High School Dictionary

The American Heritage(R) High School Dictionary features more than 200,000 clear, understandable definitions enhnaced by 2,500 photographs and illustrations. Unparalleled in design and ease of use, its features such as usage notes and etymologies distinguish it from every other high school dictionary.


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    Pocket Oxford American Dictionary

    Completely redesigned and rewritten, the second edition of Pocket Oxford American Dictionary combines its highly popular packaging with a dramatic revision of the copy, with completely reworded entries throughout.
    With more than 140,000 words, phrases, and definitions, including a wealth of new words, sample sentences, and usage notes, this marvelous edition makes it easier than ever before to find the correct meaning of a word. The editors have completely rewritten the entries, stressing everyday English to make each definition as accessible as possible. Moreover, they have used the latest evidence from the Oxford English Corpus–a vast database of some two billion words, offering an unparalleled portrait of our language–to uncover the most common and most important meanings of words and phrases in contemporary American English. The editors have organized the meanings in an entry according to these findings, so that the most likely definition of a word occurs first. I


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      The American Heritage Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs

      The ability to understand and use phrasal verbs—verbs that are followed by one or more particles, acting as a complete lexical unit—is essential to the full comprehension of English. The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs lists and defines thousands of phrasal verbs, such as look up as used in the sentence “She looked up the word in the dictionary.” Extremely useful to both learners of English as a second language and native speakers of English, this completely new reference work draws on the authority of The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, while incorporating new material for thorough, up-to-date coverage of phrasal verbs. Each fully defined phrasal verb is entered in an A–Z format and is followed by helpful example sentences that place the verb in context and show how the verb fits into the sentence structure. For example, at button up, meaning “to fasten all the buttons on a garment,” full sample sentences illustrate


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