Tag Archives: American

American Sign Language Dictionary Unabridged

Appearing first in 1981, this dictionary remains the largest and most comprehensive book of sign language ever published. Now, completely revised and expanded, American Sign Language features:

  • More than 7,000 sign entries, plus cross-references
  • More than 12,000 illustrations
  • 2,000 more signs than any other ASL dictionary, including dozens of signs that have only recently come into usage
  • Arranged alphabetically to enhance usability

Other features include a pronunciation guide for Englishlanguage glosses and a foreword to the original edition by the late Mary E. Switzer, United States Commissioner of Vocational Rehabilitation.

American Sign Language (ASL) is the third most frequently used language in the United States after English and Spanish. ASL has its own distinct grammar and syntax. The entries appearing herein represents signs, not words, and the illustrations of the hand, arm, and facial expressions will aid the reader


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The Visual Dictionary of American Domestic Architecture

Architectural historian Rachel Carley offers a richly detailed guide to 500 years of American home design. More than 600 precisely detailed illustrations show readers how to identify and describe a house of a particular style. Every element that may be found on a Beaux Arts townhouse, a Navajo hogan, or a Craftsman bungalow is displayed. An essential reference for American homeowners, restorers, and old-house buffs who, by the year 2000, will spend more on home renovation and restoration than on new-home construction. 600 illus.


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    The New Comprehensive American Rhyming Dictionary

    An essential tool for writers, poets, punsters, lyricists, wits, and language lovers everywhere!

    THE NEW COMPREHENSIVE AMERICAN RHYMING DICTIONARY is, by far, the sassiest, most fun, complete andup-to-date book of its kind on the market. This remarkablecompendium contains over 65,000 words, phrases, andcolloquialisms–a gold mine of rhyme certain to aid anddelight everyone who works with language, from the amateurpoet to the professional wordsmith.

  • Why rhyme “moon” with “June”…when you can use “Brigadoon”, “Daniel Boone”, or “picayune” instead?
  • A cornucopia of rhymes for exasperating, difficult-to-match words…such as “system”, “hemophilia”, and “Khrushchev”.
  • Easy-to-use and read, with entries arranged by sound rather than spelling.
  • Authoritative and up-to-the-minute…including the latest in slang, idioms and buzz words.
  • Whether you’re a composer searching for the perfect songlyric or a wit who revels in constructin


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