Tag Archives: American

Spanish, Basic: Learn to Speak and Understand Latin American Spanish with Pimsleur Language Programs (Simon & Schuster’s Pimsleur)

The 10-lesson (5 CDs) Basic Course gives customers the chance to test drive the incredibly effective and efficient, world-famous Pimsleur Comprehensive Program. A real try it before you buy it deal. Customers will love the experience of acquiring the essential grammar and vocabulary of Spanish, during the spoken practice sessions. It is this ease of language acquisition that makes the full Comprehensive Pimsleur Program so popular and successful for adult language
Sale Price:[productprice id=0743550706 web=com asotag=1amazingincom-20]


American Red Cross Text-Book on Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick

This historic book may have numerous typos, missing text, images, or index. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. 1913. Not illustrated. Excerpt: … LESSON VIII HYGIENE OF INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD SUGGESTIONS FOR DEMONSTRATION 1. Demonstrate by means of a doll or infant the proper position for taking a rectal temperature. 2. Show model outfit for new-born infant and for child one year old. 3. Show model nursing bottle and nipple and demonstrate proper cleansing and care of both. 4. Demonstrate bathing a young baby, preferably with a doll. “The mother is the natural guardian of her child and no other influence can compare with hers in its value in safeguarding infant life.” (Dr. Newsholme.) Statistics show that at least thirteen out of every one hundred babies born in the civilized world die before they are one year old and even in New York City, where for years a special department, under the direction of the Board of
Sale Price:[productprice id=0217681638 web=com asotag=1amazingincom-20]
