Tag Archives: American Dictionary

The New Comprehensive American Rhyming Dictionary

An essential tool for writers, poets, punsters, lyricists, wits, and language lovers everywhere!

THE NEW COMPREHENSIVE AMERICAN RHYMING DICTIONARY is, by far, the sassiest, most fun, complete andup-to-date book of its kind on the market. This remarkablecompendium contains over 65,000 words, phrases, andcolloquialisms–a gold mine of rhyme certain to aid anddelight everyone who works with language, from the amateurpoet to the professional wordsmith.

  • Why rhyme “moon” with “June”…when you can use “Brigadoon”, “Daniel Boone”, or “picayune” instead?
  • A cornucopia of rhymes for exasperating, difficult-to-match words…such as “system”, “hemophilia”, and “Khrushchev”.
  • Easy-to-use and read, with entries arranged by sound rather than spelling.
  • Authoritative and up-to-the-minute…including the latest in slang, idioms and buzz words.
  • Whether you’re a composer searching for the perfect songlyric or a wit who revels in constructin


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