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Zelco Electronic Bookmark Dictionary II

Zelco Electronic Bookmark Dictionary II

Amazon.com Review

For the book lover who thought they had everything, this may be the perfect gift: a dictionary that draws its 130,000 definitions from the American Heritage Dictionary (4th edition) and is small enough to serve as a bookmark. The Zelco Bookmark Dictionary II’s ultra-thin, flexible keyboard pad clips onto the page of a book for easy reference. Other functions include a measurement converter and a calculator. Date and time are kept with an internal clock. The keyboard features slightly raised touch buttons, with additional, alternate key functions that operate during calculator mode. The LED screen features relatively lar.ge 1/2-inch-tall figures for easy reading. When the dictionary is clipped to a page as a bookmark, the screen sits above the book. Use a small Phillips-head screwdriver to change the CR2032 3-volt lithium battery. The Zelco Bookmark Dictionary II measures 3-3/4 by 5-3/4 inches, while the display screen at the top is 3-3/4 by 1-1/2 b (more…)

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    Programming Language Pragmatics, Third Edition

    Amazon.com Review

    As a textbook suitable for the classroom or self-study, Michael Scott’s Programming Language Pragmatics provides a worthy tour of the theory and practice of how programming languages are run on today’s computers. Clearly organized and filled with a wide-ranging perspective on over 40 different languages, this book will be appreciated for its depth and breadth of coverage on an essential topic in computer science. With references to dozens of programming languages, from Ada to Turing and everything in between (including C, C++, Java, and Perl), this book is a truly in-depth guide to how code is compiled (or interpreted) and executed on computer hardware. Early chapters tend to be slightly more theoretical (with coverage of regular expressions and context-free grammars) and will be most valuable to the computer science student, but much of this book is accessible to anyone seeking to widen their knowledge (especially since recent standards surrounding XM (more…)

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