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The American Heritage Talking Dictionary, Third Edition: For Windows & Macintosh (CDRM1236620, 772040728502)

The American Heritage Talking Dictionary, Third Edition: For Windows & Macintosh (CDRM1236620, 772040728502)No description for this product could be found, but have a look over at Amazon for reviews and other information.

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    The Elements of Resume Style: Essential Rules and Eye-Opening Advice for Writing Resumes and Cover Letters that Work


    “I highly recommend Scott Bennett’s book for anyone wishing to create the winning resume.” — Gary M. Kusin, President, CEO, and Director, Kinko’s Inc.”Reading this compact volume is like getting inside the mind of a hiring manager.” — Pat Precin, Managing Director, Pathways to Housing “It could mean the difference between the active candidate file and the circular one on the floor.” -Richard Pachter, Knight Ridder newspapers <!–
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    Hardball : How Politics Is Played Told By One Who Knows The Game

    Amazon.com Review

    Hardball, first published in 1988, is like a modern version of Machiavelli’s The Prince, only much more richly illustrated, with anecdotes drawn from talk-show host Chris Matthews’s stint as a congressional staffer (where he worked for, among others, renowned Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill). Discussing such basic principles as “It’s not who you know; it’s who you get to know” and “Don’t get mad, don’t get even–get ahead,” Matthews not only dishes out choice Washington insider info, he has over the years inspired many readers to apply his principles for political success to their own professional lives.

    From Publishers Weekly

    A former Senate aide, presidential speech writer and assistant to Tip O’Neill, Matthews here offers an entertaining view of Washington politics. He covers much the same ground as Hedrick Smith’s The Power Game but writes more informally and with amused tolerance of “the true believers in the power of poli (more…)

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