Category Archives: Translation

The Translation Studies Reader (Kindle Edition)

The Translation Studies Reader


‘This is bound to be the most authoritative anthology of theoretical reflection on translation currently available in English. The selection of primary documents is varied and imaginative, the editorial introductions lucid and informed.’ .–Theo Hermans, University College London, UK’This updated, greatly expanded Translation Studies Reader will prove indispensable to scholars, translators and students. The volume’s judicious selections provide a comprehensive history of translation from antiquity to the present and the terms of translation theory are critically assessed through a rich topography of subjects. As translation emerges as a focal point in the era of digital literacy and new media, Lawrence Venuti’s Reader offers an invaluable index to defining the past and future task of the translator.’.–Emily Apter, New York University, USAThis is bound to be the most authoritative anthology of theoretical reflection on translation currently available in English. (more…)

Theories of Translation: An Anthology of Essays from Dryden to Derrida (Paperback)

Theories of Translation: An Anthology of Essays from Dryden to Derrida

Spanning the centuries, from the seventeenth to the twentieth, and ranging across cultures, from England to Mexico, this collection gathers together important statements on the function and feasibility of literary translation. The essays provide an overview of the historical evolution in thinking about translation and offer strong individual opinions by prominent contemporary theorists. Most of the twenty-one pieces appear in translation, some here in English for the first time and many difficult to find elsewhere. Selections include writings by Scheiermacher, Nietzsche, Ortega, Benjamin, Pound, Jakobson, Paz, Riffaterre, Derrida, and others. A fine companion to The Craft of Translation, this volume will be a valuable resource for all those who translate, those who teach translation theory and practice, and those interested in questions of language philosophy and literary theory.


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In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation (Paperback)

In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation


`In Other Words is a lucid, systemnatic and stimulating guide to some of the main difficulties involved in translation.’ – Anthony Paul, Filter
–This text refers to the

Kindle Edition

In Other Words is a best-selling coursebook that offers a balanced practical and theoretical guide to translation studies. Using modern linguistic theory it provides a basis for training translators and can inform and guide the decisions they have to make in the course of performing their work. Each chapter includes: an explanation of the key linguistics concepts; an identification of potential sources of translation difficulties related to the linguistic concept; and possible strategies for resolving these difficulties. Authentic examples of translated texts from a wide variety of languages are examined and practical exercises and further reading are included at the end of each chapter. The 2nd edition has been fully revised to reflect rece (more…)