Category Archives: Self Publishing

Tips To Consider For SEO Article Writing

Undoubtedly, if what you want is greater visibility online, then SEO article writing is what you need the most as most SEO services suggest. This is the kind of writing that makes articles more visible and relevant in the eyes of search engines. Your articles therefore get found by more interested readers. Here are a couple of top tips for SEO writing.

#1- Utilize keywords in the right way.

You need to integrate keywords in some areas of your written material. These words or phrases are what search engines pick up to judge what you’ve written about. Some writers however, easily get tempted to stuff their articles chock full of keywords. These days, this could easily earn you a bad label from search engine robots. Also, if you’re submitting to directories for articles, many of the more reputable ones will reject your work because of the inappropriate use of key phrases.

#2- Don’t put keywords over and above content sense and quality.

You shouldn’t treat SEO content writing as a different brand of writing. Anything that you create for an audience should basically be of high quality. Hence, even if you do have optimization as a top concern, your articles should still be highly useful, relevant and fresh. This objective is sometimes sacrificed because some writers feel the need to incorporate even those keywords that are a bit awkward in structure and sense. If you insist on following the same path, you will risk losing your readership.

#3- Make branding another one of your objectives.

It cannot be said enough that the concept of keyword use can be very consuming. It is important to always remember though that any content that carries your name, company or brand will have an impact on your identity and reputation. Low quality SEO writing will therefore serve no other purpose than destroy the reputation you’ve worked so hard to establish. Keep your reputation clean by concentrating on good writing.

#4- Use articles as only one part of a strategy.

Obviously, providing text content is a very important part of any online venture. This does not suggest though that it is the only effective way to promote something. More and more people are starting to use videos and audio tools for marketing purposes. You should therefore not concentrate too much on pure written content creation. What you should focus on is integrating different strategies.

#5- Choose the right best keywords to use.

Keywords aren’t all made the same. Never choose a key phrase just because everyone else in your niche or market is using it. In fact, the more people use it, the more competitive it is and the more difficult it will be for you to rank on top of search results pages. Choose key phrases to write about that are searched for by a lot of people but don’t have a lot of articles and web pages competing for them.

SEO content writing is not an exact science. Neither is it a very complicated one. The bottom line is that you can optimize articles for keywords so search engines judge your materials to be relevant but you should never optimize too much. In the final analysis, what matters most to both search engines and users is that you provide good information online.

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    7 Reminders For Better Search Engine Optimization Copywriting

    At first glance, writing for the web seems to be very easy. All copy should be short, direct to the point and with keywords put in the right places. But when your web copy gets too few visitors, that is when you start to think about your own writing skills. Learn these seven search engine optimization copywriting suggestions to help you with your online marketing and soon you’ll be a top copywriter yourself just like John Carlton.

    1. Conduct a keyword research before anything else.

    The reason why this kind of copywriting is related to search engine optimization is because your aim is for your website, or your client’s website, to get as much traffic from the search engines. This is true the use of keywords and the organic traffic from the search results utilizing these keywords. That is why it is necessary that you do a keyword research first to learn the keywords people use to be able to find your website.

    2. Research about your topic.

    Doing a market research is important because it gives you a clearer idea about the topic or the market of the product or service you are writing a copy for. John Carlton’s Simple Writing System emphasizes the importance of doing this kind of research before you even start on your copy writing.

    3. Write for human readers.

    The problem with many SEO copywriters is that they usually just think about the keyword density and keyword placement in their copy than their writing making any real sense at all. You should avoid this bad practice and instead focus on making your copy writing a good read after all.

    4. Do not make your copy too long unless it is necessary.

    People have a very short attention span when it comes to reading online. And they seldom actually read, but more on browse the web pages. For this reason, it is best that you make your paragraphs as concise as possible and to not go beyond more than 2,000 words. Of course it really depends on the topic of your article.

    5. Write a title that attracts.

    Your title is your first chance in getting the attention of the reader. If it is intriguing and informative enough, it would attract the reader to read the rest of the copy.

    6. Keep the promise you made in your title.

    Do not make your titles sound too over achieving that the rest of the copy cannot cope up with it. If you made a promise in your title, make sure that you can deliver on that promise within the copy.

    7. Aim for a conversion.

    The purpose of any search engine optimization copywriting is to make a conversion after the reader has finished reading your copy. The most common way to achieve this is to make a call to action at the end of your copy.

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      SEO Copywriting – Organize Your Copy For The Best Results

      Some people have no idea how to begin to optimize their copy as it seems a daunting task. If writing your web copy seems overwhelming it is probably because you have not organized the intentions of the copy you are writing, especially when it comes to thinking of the copy based on what you want to accomplish in SEO.

      Your goal is to give your ad or piece of web copy intent. Determine exactly what it is you want your ad online to sell. Are these conversions for membership, giving them a free ebook or directing them to another page. The common goals of creating web pages are anticipating a new product, generate leads, qualify prospects, or simply present yourself as a new provider on the scene.

      The trick is to decide on a goal and stick to it. Online copywriting trying to accomplish many goals at once to often send mixed messages to potential customers or consumers. Once you have a mission for your copy of the rest is easy.

      The best way to organize your copy is to first think about why you buy your product or service, if you were a customer. Make a list of all your selling points and key benefits and features, then take the trouble to find these characteristics in an inventory keyword too. Decide which benefit or function corresponds best with the intention that you’ve decided on your advertising. Considering these factors in mind is an effective way to find inspiration and prevent the syndrome. Once you’ve developed a headline that the voice both for you and your key benefit in a line that is less than seven words, then the rest of your SEO copywriting is very easy to create.

      Copywriting News Online
      For copywriting tips and news from around the web SEO copywriting blogs news, press stories and video presentations on copywriting.

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