Category Archives: Self Help


In these tales of loss and pleasure, lovers and family, a woman learns to conduct an affair, a child of divorce dances with her mother, and a woman with a terminal illness contemplates her exit. Filled with the sharp humor, emotional acuity, and joyful language Moore has become famous for, these nine glittering tales marked the introduction of an extravagantly gifted
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Heal Your Self: A Journey to Find You

In this inspirational workbook, Janet Greene shows us how to dissolve a lifetime of painful experiences, emotional wounds and fears that created a wall around our true self. Heal Your Self – A Journey to Find You empowers readers to access and permanently remove this wall, or subconscious cause of their emotional distress and life difficulties with a revolutionary technique called Greene s Release. The Greene s Release Technique is accredited with transforming how people view emotional trauma, life s drama, the ability to permanently heal and release their cause and rediscover the freedom to be themselves. Now we can let ourselves dream because we know how to remove the cause of any obstacle with the Greene s Release technique. It is empowering to realize by doing these exercises I am holding my life in my hands. I have the power to live my life as I would like, as I decide to create it. It is entirely up to me. The plan is all in my hands, to create, shape and mold as I
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Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness: A Self-Help Guide Using Cognitive Behavioral Techniques

Step-by-step guides to self-improvement that introduce the methods of the highly regarded cognitive behavioral therapy technique to help readers conquer a broad range of disabling conditions-from worry to body image problems to obsessive compulsive disorder and more. The accessible, straightforward, and practical books in the Overcoming series treat disorders by changing unhelpful patterns of behavior and thought. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) was developed by psychiatrist Aaron T. Beck and is now internationally favored as a practical means of overcoming longstanding and disabling conditions, both psychological and physical. CBT insists that our thoughts cause our feelings and behaviors. Even when our situation does not change, if we change the self-defeating ways we think, we can make ourselves feel better. This positive, pragmatic approach is popular with therapists and patients alike.Books in the Overcoming Series: highlight the history and background of the disorder, who is
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