Category Archives: Self Help

The Power Of Being Different

The Power Of Being Different The world has changed, life will never be the same again. We each search for a better life; inspiration; a way to be more productive and fulfilled. Welcome a unique and easy to understand motivator: The Power Of Being Different. This inspiring and uplifting self-help book will show you: The power behind belief. How the mind controls the body. How to get enthusiasm back in your life. Understanding and forming good habits. Understanding negativity and how to avoid it. How to use your mind as a filter. How to use -positive self “suggestion”. How to maximize your subconscious
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Instant Confidence: 92 Tips On How To Build Confidence To Develop Self-Confidence And Self-Esteem

“Dramatically Raise Your Confidence And Self-Esteem Almost Instantly! It’s Easy And Effortless When You Know How…” Here’s just a sample of what you will discover from “Instant Confidence: 92 Tips On How To Build Confidence To Develop Self Confidence And Self Esteem”… Tip #1 : The ONLY difference between you and successful people is that they choose to focus on their _________ instead of their ‘_____________’! Tip #15 : Unless you start ___________ _________ then things are always going to be the way they always have been. Tip #23 : Your self-confidence depends on you accepting responsibility for ___ ___ ___, and _____ ___ ___. Tip #35 : Without some form of ______________ – you’re not going to get very far in your life.. Tip #49 : By _______ ___ more often – you will begin to open yourself up to more that life has to offer. Tip #71 : Many of the most self-confident people are actually plagued with ___ ______ ______. Tip #83 : Even the most
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