Category Archives: New Age

What Are Chakras And How Will You Be Doing The Actual Meditation? – Chakra Meditation Techniques

There are many kinds of meditation, such as Zen and Transcendental meditation, to mentionl just two. Check out meditation for dummies for additional information. One the most historical forms of yoga meditation is called chakra meditation, which has been handed down in various varieties throughout many thousands of years.

Chakra meditation techniques involves centering one’s attention on a number of seven chakras located in a line along the body of a human. The actual variety of chakras which can be found on our bodies is a matter of some debate, but you need not worry about that right now.

The seven simple chakras are the Overhead chakra, at the top of your head, the Third Eye chakra in the center of the actual forehead, the Throat chakra, aka heart chakra in the middle of the chest area, the Sacral chakra in between the navel and the heart, the Solar Plexus chakra in the abdomen area and the Root chakra on the base of the spinal column.

When you can, take some time to learn more about exactly what chakras are, and the actual properties of each. But now you are aware where each one of these “energy centers” are located, you can use them to commence meditation.

So chakra meditation entails sitting quietly, most often in the lotus position, and gently centering your mind upon each chakra consequently, starting with the actual Crown chakra at the top.

To begin, simply relax and begin to pay attention to the breathing. You’ll quickly discover that your mind follows the lead of your breathing. If you slow down the breathing and take strong, slow, even breaths, this will assist you significantly in relaxing your mind and relaxing.

Once you feel relaxed and therefore are in a strong, even breathing groove, as they say, bring all your attention to the Crown chakra. Picture it, so that as you do, breathe deeply in and out one or more times, or perhaps three to four times. (There isn’t any right or wrong). Next move on to the next chakra down, the 3rd Eye, imagine it, inhale and exhale, and continue on down until you get to the root chakra at your spinal column. Then start over.

This is the most fundamental associated with chakra meditation techniques. In this short article, you have learned the fundamentals, but all readers are usually strongly asked to check out meditation CD along with for more information about the deeper information and meanings involved in this exercise.

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