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How To Stop Blushing Without Surgery

Shyness and blushing often go hand in hand. Blushing can sometimes feel uncontrollable and if you have a shy disposition then blushing can feel 100 times worse.

The problem is, many people decide to jump straight in for drastic measures such as surgery…when the real problem lies inside the mind. Now unless they were planning to remove the “faulty” section of their brain that is actually causing the blushing (which is actually impossible) then I would suggest this to be the worst possible decision if they wanted to cure blushing for good.

Blushing is associated with shyness, social anxiety and low self confidence. Surgery cant “nip and tuck” those problems with a knife.

There are of course many ways to counteract these problems. First you need to understand which comes first – the shyness/low self confidence/anxiety or the blushing?

This might sound strange, but some people blush that are not shy and only become shy or anxious as a result of their blushing.

This is a viscous circle that can quickly escalate.

So, are you a shy/anxious person that has a tendency to blush? Or are you an outgoing person who can’t help blushing either way?

If you feel that you blush uncontrollably and it is making you feel more reclusive and ultimately shyer and more anxious, then you may find solace in treating the physical condition via either cosmetic treatment or, only in extreme circumstances surgery can be an option…although not particularly recommended.

Alternatives to surgery?

There are many products that cater for both men and women in the market today, who might want to stop blushing without surgery. Some are good, some aren’t. Products range from light foundations (yes, men can use them too!) to green tinted creams to counteract the redness.

There are even other alternatives such as acne creams designed for Rosacea sufferers that are known to be highly effective and also a number of vitamin supplements can help to alleviate some of the more extreme cases of facial redness, rosacea, blushing and hot flashes.

Even if you fall into the naturally shy category and feel you blush as a result of being shy, knowing that you aren’t showing your uncomfortable blush can do wonders for you self confidence in itself.

On the other hand, if you are a shy/anxious person and you think that the blushing is a bi-product of being shy, you can begin to tackle the emotional/psychological reasons behind your shyness.

So if you want to know how to stop blushing without surgery, you need to be prepared to take a journey a little deeper than just skin deep…and truly discover the fundamental causes as to your shyness/low self-confidence and anxiety

Perhaps you could reach out either to a professional or a trusted and understanding friend. Or maybe try joining a support group or chat with people online?

Once you have targeted the areas that make you feel this way you should have a better sense of direction when it comes to actually treating your low self confidence issues for good.

How To Stop Being Lazy

I know. I’ve been there. You have long to-do list waiting, but instead, you find yourself oversleeping, watching TV or wasting time in other unproductive activities.

It obviously comes from a combination of low energy, and a lack of motivation and self-discipline.

Try to figure out what causes it.

If you have too much on your mind and find it hard to even start thinking about all the things you have to do, it’s time write it down. Write everything that comes to your mind, things to do, things to think about, things that bother you. You’d probably realize soon enough, that things aren’t as bad as you thought.

You may need to change the way you do your “self talk”. Do you talk to yourself like a parent talks to a child? You’re a grownup now. It’s time to change the way you think about tasks and responsibilities. Instead of thinking “YOU have to do this”, think- “I want to do this because…” and give yourself a really good reason why.

You may not be getting enough rest from your sleep. Learn how to improve the quality of your sleep. When your sleep is optimized, you could actually sleep less, but have more energy then you’ve had before, when you slept longer.

Start by reducing the amount of caffeine you get during the day, especially in the evening. Remember, caffeine is not present only in coffee, but also in soda, tea and chocolate, to name a few.

You need to go sleep when you’re tired, which brings me to my next point…

Have you noticed that the times that you’re most tired are the times that you have no reason to be? You know what I’m talking about. You just woke up from a long nap and since then all you’ve been doing is lay on the coach, but still, all you want to do is rest, and sleep.

It’s a bit of a paradox, but when your activity level is very low, so is your energy level. Start moving yourself. If exercising is too much for you, the least you can do is stretch. Also, climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator, walk those few yards to the grocery store instead of driving to it, Play with your dog, or your kids.

A few changes in your diet could greatly increase your energy level. You should probably start by doubling the amount of water you drink daily. Also, instead of starting your day with coffee and a muffin, how about serial and orange juice?

These were just a few ideas to get you started, but you have to find the power within you, and become determined enough to change your ways.

Earl Nightingale once said: “The key that unlocks energy is desire. It’s also the key to a long and interesting life. If we expect to create any drive, any real force within ourselves, we have to get excited”.

Good luck.

How To Stick Up For Yourself?

Do you have trouble sticking up for yourself? Do you feel pushed around or walked over? Do you find it difficult to say no to others. Do you do things which you did not want to do? Here are a few things you can practice to make things better.

Sometimes it is tough to let go of a relationship, but you should keep only relationships that are on equal ground and give up the rest. Do you call your friend or go see them, but they never call you? Are you always there for them, but if you ask for help they never do? Are you routinely giving above and beyond at work because they’ve come to expect it? Do you have anyone in your life that simply drains you? If they are not an elderly parent or a child that you care for, then it is the right thing to do to give up unequal relationships and move on. It will help both of you.

This is very important. When someone picks on you, tell them to stop it. Constructive criticism should be just that: helpful and constructive. If the criticism makes you feel bad and it continues, tell them to cut it out or just walk away from them when they are doing it. Some people have a terrible habit of criticizing others and making them feel bad. You should not put up with this kind of treatment because it will tear you down and lets them continue behaving badly. It doesn’t do any good to argue with them. The way to make it stop is to just tell them that’s enough and if they do not stop immediately, walk away. That sends the message that you won’t put up with it and you should do that every time.

Learn to say no. Many people find themselves agreeing to do things they do not wish to do. Saying no gets easier with practice. Start with the easier situations, keep it simple, and just say something like, “No, I can’t today!” It helps to quickly change the subject and keep talking. You do not even have to offer a reason.

Learn to say yes to things you want to bring into your life and stop asking for permission to do things. The only times you should ask for permission are when you are doing so out of courtesy, because you are using something of theirs or some similar situation. You are a free person and should treat yourself that way. If you want to go back to college, go to college. If you want to go see a friend, see your friend. Let people know what you are doing out of courtesy, but unless you are sharing money, you do not need permission.

Speaking up in general will also help you to feel like you are sticking up for yourself. You can express your opinions and feelings, and you will feel better if you do. Try taking some of these tips seriously and bring a new change in your personal and professional life.