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Hypnosis – Achieving More in Less Time

As the world figuratively shrinks because of advances in technology, more and more people find themselves having difficulty in keeping up. The old way of doing business and working is slowly but surely being replaced by telecommuting, work-at-home set-ups, and business process outsourcing.

The changing image of the corporate structure is evolving dynamically at a fast pace which results in a marked increase of people experiencing stress, frustration, and lack of self-esteem because of their inability to adapt to the new business lifestyle quickly.

To address the situation, almost all businesses establish self-improvement and training programs for old and new employees to shorten the learning and adaptation curve.

Most Fortune 500 corporations have included in their human resources training programs company-sponsored seminars on leadership development, personality enhancement, team building, and awareness using various methods and techniques.

Although the techniques have varying terminologies, it all boils down to assisting and equipping an individual on how to view from a different perspective the learning and experience processes they undergo and redirect them towards achieving excellence.

Redirection is the key factor in all these efforts because it is accomplished by employing hypnosis – in one form or another. Many people may disagree because there are those who still erroneously connote hypnosis with magic. This is totally false because hypnosis does not have anything at all to do with magic!

Medical science acknowledges the scientific basis of hypnosis and its positive effects on people.

Broadcast and print media, advertisements, are all used by multinational corporations to make us buy their products – for as long as you and I can remember. That is a form of hypnosis!

Various governments around the world, when they air their propaganda on national television and radio, employ hypnosis in one form or another to make us consent and agree to their programs of action.

Remember 9/11? Up to now, the image of the twin towers collapsing is etched in our minds. It is so vivid. Whether we admit it or not, that particular picture galvanized the peoples of the free world and made them go into action against terrorists. That is hypnosis!

Dentists use hypnosis not anesthesia on some of their patients in performing painless tooth extraction.

Going to a spa and immersing yourself in a weekend self-discovery relaxation program is considered a form of hypnosis.

It is therefore a given reality that hypnosis is already an integral part of our daily lives although it takes on myriad forms and fashion.

Athletes, elite military units, astronauts, submariners – all have undergone through hypnosis in one form or another during their training. How else do you think these people are able to perform beyond what we consider as normal?

About the Author:
Robert Cooper shows you what people at the top have been doing for years. Have you ever wondered how they can get so much done when you get so little done? Visit to find out how.

Huna Is The Secret!

“If you are not using Huna, you are working too hard!” – Max Freedom Long

Huna, the Hawaiian spiritual healing, literally means “Secret”. It is believed to be the “hidden knowledge” about life and this world. In his book, “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”, T. Harv Eker uses the Huna philosophy in a Wealth Principle.

Historically, the “Kahuna” was the spiritual master or shaman who was the guardian of the Huna knowledge and tradition. When the English settled in the Hawaiian Islands the practice of Huna was banned and the Kahunas went into hiding. Today these practices are emerging once again to guide us.

Huna is a life philosophy or wisdom about the world that you live in. It teaches that there are no limits to what you can accomplish, based on human psychology that emphasizes basic, normal living. It presents a road map for traveling through life. When used regularly, Huna is life changing.

Isn’t it interesting that a philosophy developed tens of thousands of years ago is still appropriate for living your lives, even today?

There are seven basic principles of Huna. These principles of life are simple yet powerful.

1.IKE – The world is what you think it is.

Everything in your world, everything in your own reality, comes from your thoughts. According to the Huna belief, if you wish to change our world, you must first change your thoughts. Start by changing the way you think, going from a belief in lack to a belief in abundance. All the other principles of Huna are developed from this one.

2.KALA – There are no limits.

Everything in the universe is connected. There is no separation and no limits. Separation is merely an illusion. It is only your thoughts that make you believe we are separate from the rest. The limits you see and fear you cannot conquer exists in your minds only. According to the Huna belief, if you rid yourselves of these thoughts of separateness and limitations, you will reconnect and become one again.

One popular expression used in the Islands is “hang loose”. What happens is that when you get uptight, you create a tension, which in turn causes the separation. When you “hang loose,” you relax, feel better, your relationships become better, and you go with the flow. Kala does not mean that you accept things as they are; only that if you relax with them, you can change them more easily.

3.MAKIA – Energy flows where attention goes.

Wherever there is a flow of energy and attention, events and results are created. The fundamental principle of creating results is: Attention + Energy + Ideas + Action = Results.

Focusing your attention on a particular object or idea causes the energy to flow in that direction. Whatever the nature of your thoughts is, you feel that flow in return. Positive energy put out into the universe, means positive energy flowing back to you. If you consistently put out thoughts of abundance into the universe, then abundance flows back to you. Do not focus on anger or fear, but on happiness and joy. Change your attention and you change your world.

4.MANAWA – Now is the moment of power.

There is no power in the past and no power in the future. There is only power in this moment. All the power for changing your life exists only in the immediate present. The present is where we can perform action that matters for the future.

The past has no power over you, so you must release the burdens of the past. Whatever thoughts you possess are what you will bring with you into this moment. Appreciating what’s around you causes it to increase. The more you take pleasure in what’s around you, the stronger it becomes. According to the Huna belief, the future does not lay waiting for you to move forward and run into it. It is created in every present moment by what you think right now. Getting rid of the past creates a new future.

5.ALOHA – To love is to be happy with.

In the Hawaiian language, aloha stands for much more than just “hello”, “goodbye”, or “love.” Its deeper meaning is “the joyful (oha) sharing (alo) of life energy (ha) in the present (alo).”

The root of the word means, “to be happy with.” The secret here is to be happy with something or someone. The degree of your happiness dictates the degree to which you are in love.

The expression of love is important. Criticism, anger, and unhappiness will diminish that love and cause pain around you. Love does not mean inflicting pain, hurting people, or getting you hurt. Love means savoring the happiness, the joy, and the pleasure in any relationship.

6.MANA – All power comes from within.

Hawaiian belief is that Mana is the name for the one source of all the power that exists in the universe. This belief assumes that there is only one source of power and that the source flows through each of us on the planet. It flows not only through human beings, but also through the earth and everything that lives on or above it. This Mana gives us the power to do what we believe we can do.

Mana is considered the inner power that gives each thing its own creativity. The important idea here is that power comes from within. Nothing outside of yourself has any power over you. Your very existence stems from this power within; and if you believe that something else has any real power over you, it diminishes your own power. Holding it back, trying to tamp it down, or pretending you don’t have the power, also diminishes it. By allowing yourself to experience this power, to feel it, to use it, and claim it, gives you the power to reach your highest potential.

7.PONO – Effectiveness is the measure of truth.

There are many ways to do most things. Don’t think that you can only achieve something in one way or that there is only one truth. There is no one way to do anything. There is always an alternative. There is no one truth, or one method or technique. There is no one kind of medicine or one way to be happy. The ways you can use to achieve your goals and attain happiness are countless.

Your purpose or plan may be of utmost importance, but the methods to achieving them are vast. Use the proper means to achieve the goal. According to this principle of Huna, if you start out with peace in your heart, you will move towards peace in your life. This principle is a practical truth and may be used as a way of living with others and yourself.

Huna principles will work for everyone. Huna is about miracles, self-reliance and empowerment. It is balanced and powerful. It is a transforming system of practices, teachings, philosophy, energy work, and much more.

Humorous Thought For The Day – A Micro-Break In Our Fast-Paced Culture

You have the best of intentions. You know you’ve been too intense at work. And you’re really disliking your job more and more each day. You promise yourself to keep a better focus on what’s really important in life. But so far you haven’t kept your promise to yourself.

Or maybe it’s the upkeep of the house. You try to keep a clean living environment. But after working and spending time with friends, there’s no energy left to pick up the clutter and get rid of the dirt. After all, the clutter and dirt will just come back. So you’re left with a feeling of discouragement and frustration.

Or it’s the work you do for the kids. Boy, do they take a lot of work. Keeping the baby fed, clean, and happy takes all your time. And then there are the older kids. Soccer practice. Piano lessons. Church youth group. There’s just no time to do it all. You’re racing through life like little more than a robot. How can you reclaim your humanity?

Life gets to all of us from time to time. It seems to be the price we pay for an increasingly complex world, a world where the Internet has opened up so many choices to us, that we can feel overwhelmed with making decisions.

Fortunately, despite any complexity the Internet has added to our lives, it also has made it easier to insert some little pauses into the day to make life a little more bearable. I call these little pauses micro-breaks. And they can be a great way to step off the fast-track for just a moment to relax a bit and refocus on the things that are important.

Micro-breaks come in all shapes and sizes.

One type of micro-break that many people find helpful is a thought for the day — a profound, noteworthy, or entertaining saying. The Internet has all kinds of sources for a thought for the day. Just do a search on any of the major search engines, and you’ll find how many possibilities there are to choose from.

What kind of thought for the day works best? That depends on your personality.

If you tend to get caught up in the details of life, then you might do best with sayings that focus on more profound statements of life and existence.

If you are inspired by quotes that have stood the test of time, sites that focus on the sayings of famous people might provide the most benefit to you.

If you find yourself taking life too seriously too often, sayings that can make you smile or chuckle would suit your style well.

The most important thing is to find a source of micro-breaks that you find inspiring or relaxing. These will give you the most energizing pauses in your day.

Of course, there is no reason you can’t make use of more than one type micro-break.

So, fire up your browser, visit your favorite search engine, and find yourself some places where you can get your thought for the day. Then, either sign up to receive your daily thought in your email, or make a habit of visiting the places you like best for a quick micro-break. Soon you’ll be headed in the right direction to maintain a balanced life.