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How You Can Enhance Your Therapy With The Law Of Attraction

If you are one of the millions of people who are experiencing a form of depression and anxieties you can use the power of the Law of Attraction and make it work for you. The Law of Attraction has already helped countless people with their depressions and anxieties.

Simply put, the law of attraction states that like attracts like. This is a simple definition of what it means to use the law of attraction, and there are much deeper levels to it. But for now, you can understand the basic definition. How you feel on various levels inside of you affects what happens in your life.

A good therapist no doubt can help you to feel better and to progress towards better mental health.

Learning more about the Law of Attraction and how it works will help you to take some steps for yourself to better your condition.

The Law of Attraction will attract into your life whatever you want. But there is a secret to this, you have to know how to use this universal power.

Most people attract unconsciously things into their lives that they do not want.This often happens on an unconscious level.

Here are some tips that will help increase the chances of getting and feeling better faster along with your therapy:

1. Try to eliminate negative information from your life. This means think about what you are listening too when watching TV, what kind of books are you reading, what kind of people are you talking to, what kind of magazines are you picking up? The information that you are taking in every day is still playing in your subconscious mind and can affect you.

2. Try meditation! Meditation helps you increase your mental powers and it helps you also to get to know yourself better. It helps you to connect with your subconscious mind. By quieting your mind and body for at least 20 to 30 minutes every day, you are able to get back to yourself again and figure out what it is you’re doing and what it is you’re wanting.

3. Treat yourself every once in a while to do something fun. Fun and laughter are good medicine for the entire mind and body. It does not have to cost a lot of money to spend a nice afternoon for, example at Barnes and Nobles reading a good book with positive information or taking a walk in the park. Or maybe you like to enjoy a good cup of coffee browsing the internet. Find something that you like to do, that you can do immediately that is fun for you.

4. Work with your subconscious mind by saying positive affirmations. You can reprogram your mind to think in a more positive way this in turn can help you with your depression and anxieties. You don’t have to have complex affirmations, just keep them simple and stay consistent.

5. Remember that what we are thinking is what we are creating in our lives. Most people are not aware of this fact. They believe that their lives depend on external forces. In reality we are creators and we create our own live experience.

Knowing the Law of Attraction and how you can make it work for you will help you to speed up the process of getting well. It gives you the key to be able to take control over your live and get into the drivers seat. It may be difficult at first and you may not succeed over night but you will soon notice a difference in the way you feel.

How Your Daily Life Can Change The World

Today’s world is reaching a crisis point, and while many of our social structures are still intact for this moment, there will come a time when major changes will need to occur in the way we are living our lives on a day to day basis. This bold statement is shared not to create alarm and fear, but rather to awaken a sense of responsibility within all of us. This awakening has already begun, and most people are now aware that our current way of life is causing harm to the precious Earth we live on. The question now for many of us is … what can I do?

Our lives are already chock full of challenges. Just managing the day to day realities of life is for many of us a full time job. The growing complexities of life that have developed from the accelerated pace of change can at times feel overwhelming. We hear news reports of natural disasters, wars, poverty, disease, environmental pollution, and a seemingly endless number of new challenges … the amount of overwhelm can cause us to numb ourselves, and shut ourselves off from the realities that are happening around us.

How then do we help our struggling world? What can we do? The answer to this question lies within our hearts, and is much bigger and more important than we may realize. There are certain obvious things that we can do on a daily basis to conserve energy, recycle, and be more environmentally conscious. Thankfully, more and more people are stepping up and creating change in their daily habits in this way. This helps a great deal towards beginning to reverse the cycle of abuse to the Earth and lack of respect for her resources. There is a larger change that needs to happen however, that is at the root of the world’s problems. It is one that we all participate in unless we choose not to, and this has to do with our consciousness.

Consciousness? How can that affect the world situation? You may be wondering just how changing our awareness can affect things. Isn’t that in the realm of the metaphysical, for people who wear robes and chant and do strange spiritual practices? Dearest ones, taking responsibility for our consciousness is not just for those with a spiritual awareness. Our consciousness affects the world we live in, whether we are aware of it or not. The thoughts and energy we put into the world have an impact, and our consciousness creates the actions and choices we make on a daily basis.

Just how did the world get into the state that it is in now? It all started with where our collective consciousness has been. Humanity has been involved in developing our individuality, and in experiencing the world of physical reality without much attention to the larger whole of which we are a part. This was a necessary step in our evolution, but now times have changed. We’ve gone as far as we can in developing our individuality and unique identities.

Unfortunately, as we’ve explored our individuality, we have made choices that do not take into account the affects that our actions have on the larger whole. We’ve chosen to use energy resources that are finite, and that cause pollution of the Earth. We’ve chosen farming practices that remove the essential ingredients from our food, in favor of mass production. The lack of nutrients from our food has increased our health problems, but our healing practices have attempted to fix the symptoms without addressing the root causes. We’ve chosen to pursue individual wealth that brings prosperity to us and our families, but leaves the majority of humankind suffering in poverty and starvation.

All of these challenges we now face started with a consciousness that had forgotten our essential connections to the larger whole of life. We are divine beings that entered into physical reality in order to learn, and now at this crucial time in the evolution of humanity, we are beginning to learn how to reconnect with ourselves, with each other, and with the Earth. We are beginning to learn that our thoughts create our reality, and that what we think and feel matters as much as what we do.

One of the great spiritual truths shared with us by all spiritual teachers and religions is that we are all connected. We are a part of God, who lives within us. In the same way, all others in our world are equally a part of God, and are an essential part of the essential whole of life. Therefore, if we harm another, we ultimately harm ourselves. If we prevent others from receiving what they need, we limit ourselves because we are constricting the free flow of God’s light and life force.

These concepts are not new, but they have been mostly in the background of human consciousness, which up until this point was focused on pursuing more individualized goals. Times have changed, and now the only solution that can be found to the problems of today’s world is to work together, and to reconnect ourselves with our divine eternal nature as souls.

When we are no longer separated from the divine source of all light and love, our relationship with ourselves and with others changes. We are no longer alone, seeking to get our needs met, and competing with others who all are trying to get their needs met. Instead, we go within to connect with our hearts, to understand who we are, and what our purpose is for being on the Earth at this time. Each soul is present on the Earth for a reason, and when we discover and fulfill that purpose, our life makes a positive contribution to the world and in the process our own needs are met and fulfilled.

When we realize that our consciousness matters and has an impact on others, we take responsibility for our thoughts as well as our actions. Are you holding a grudge towards someone in your life? With an awakened consciousness, you realize that holding on to this grudge is creating a blockage in the free flow of light and love in your life, and you take steps to heal this pain you are carrying. You may not be able to let go of the pain right away, but your intention to let go, rather than to hold on, opens up the energy of healing. In the larger network of human consciousness, you’ve just created a small pocket of light and love, which enters the atmosphere of the Earth and strengthens the love and light present in the world. This small pocket is like a candle, which lights other candles that it comas into contact with.

On the other hand, if you choose to hold on to your anger, blame, judgment and so on, the emotions you are holding onto contribute to the cloud of negative energy that is present around the Earth during this time. You feel entitled to be angry, and refuse to budge. You may even act out your feelings and create disharmony or even harm to others. In this way your choice contributes to this very same energy pattern which is prevalent in so many of today’s world conflicts and wars. Anger, blame, judgment, entitlement, and the unwillingness to compromise are all fed by the daily thoughts and feelings of others.

Do you see the choice you have each day, and at each moment? Your consciousness either adds to or detracts from the presence of love and light on the Earth. The love creates a feeling of harmony, and of possibilities and hope. The love opens up new possibilities and ideas, and can help us find creative solutions to the world problems.

You are a part of this love, and your daily choices can support and strengthen the many positive actions of change now happening in the world. In this way your daily life can change the world, and can help others to awaken, heal and contribute positively as well. You are blessed to be present at this monumental time in the Earth’s history, with an unprecedented opportunity to grow, learn, heal, transform, and to participate in creating a New Earth.

How Will A Gambling Addition Effect You?

Gambling addiction is a growing problem for people all across the world. Whether it is gambling on sporting events, horse races, table games, or the increasingly popular poker games, the result can be the same. Certain people can gamble all day and it will never affect them. They will never feel like they are losing control no matter how much money is won or lost. Then there are the problem gamblers. They are usually good people, but they turn into degenerates when it comes to gambling. Most of their issues are either competition based or money based and their problems can become extremely large if problem gambling is not checked.

Compulsive gamblers who suffer from gambling addiction have as difficult a time with their condition as people with smoking, alcohol, or drug addictions. It doesn’t matter if they are winning or losing, either. Gambling addiction can make people feel just as terrible when they are up as when they are down. It is when those gamblers hit rock bottom that the real problems occur, though. When money is owed to different sources, people will do just about anything to get it. This can lead to crime, dishonesty, and a whole host of social problems that will simply compound the problem gambler’s awful set of circumstances.

There are not a whole lot of cures for gambling addiction. One cannot just go into the store and purchase a pill to kill gambling addiction. Instead, mental issues must be worked out in order for a person to shake the habit. Hypnosis has been proven to be a good remedy for gambling addiction. Hypnotherapy is not just something that they portray in the movies. It is a real treatment for many problems that people experience such as addictions.

Like most hypnotherapists, I have been using hypnosis to stop a bunch of different problems. Most commonly, people come into my clinic in search of help for different addictions like smoking and alcoholism. Recently, I have been taking on more cases for gambling addiction, though. With the raging popularity of poker on television and gambling in general, there are more people who struggle with gambling addiction. When it seems like all hope is lost, that is when hypnotherapy can work the best. If you are struggling with a gambling problem or any other issue and you think hypnosis could help, then you need to get information on the process and begin to change your life, today! It’s the best decision you can make in getting rid of your gambling addiction.