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Hypnotherapy Weight Loss

There are several reasons why a person gains weight. Sometimes eating too much is actually a manifestation of a more serious psychological condition like depression. As you gain more and more weight, your self-esteem becomes lower and actually causes you isolate yourself and eat more.

Unfortunately, being overweight comes with serious health repercussions. You could have diabetes, heart problems and other diseases.

To avid these diseases, you could try slimming down or losing weight thru a number of different methods like dieting and exercising. If you have difficulties doing it yourself, you can join groups like Weight Watchers.

Eating sensibly would also help. You should avoid eating foods that are laden with fat and carbohydrates. Starving yourself is not a solution. Your body will simply adjust to the starvation and refuse to burn fats.

Controlling what you eat is healthy as long as it does not become an obsession. You may end up slimming down and yet have an eating disorder. Exercise with a friend if you want. This makes slimming down easier and more enjoyable.

Your family can help you by providing you with moral and emotional support. When you feel the urge to eat, distract yourself by watching the television, walking around your block or even brushing your teeth.

If needed, slimming should be done under the supervision of medical experts since sudden weight loss could also pose serious health problems. But if your problem is your inability to refrain from eating due to low self-esteem or depression, you would require some psychotherapy.

A psychiatrist would uncover the reason for your low self-esteem and depression and address them. You would be probably given some anti-depressants to deal with your depression. Taking these prescription drugs are known to be habit-forming and you should make sure you take them according to the doctor’s prescriptions.

Another treatment is hypnotherapy. It usually involves hypnotism by a qualified person. Your subconscious will be targeted by the therapy and alter your behavior. The aim is to change your eating habits so that you will no longer feel like eating whenever you feel sad or depressed. Hypnotherapy is relatively cheaper and provides faster results.

Slimming can be accomplished as long as you have the will to do it. As many experts say, it is a matter of mind over body. If you decide to slim down, you would be like taking control of your life once again.

Hypnotherapy And Compulsive Spending

Compulsive spending is something that people suffer from and they don’t really know why. Though many people would laugh at the idea that spending could be a problem, there are many others who have real problems with their spending. When they go into a store, they have to spend every dollar in their pocket. It doesn’t matter if they have one dollar or one million dollars. They have it, so they are going to spend it. In those cases, these people can ruin their relationships and drain their bank accounts. They can hurt their future and the future of those people who are around them.

Compulsive spending is a problem that is born out of other problems within a person’s life. Sometimes, people go on compulsive spending binges because they are unhappy with who they are. They want to make people believe that they are something different. They want people to think that money is no problem when in reality; it might be a huge problem. Other folks use compulsive spending as a way to correct some of the things of their past. They want to make up for the fact that their parents couldn’t provide the finer things in life.

If you are one of those people who can’t save any money because it is constantly being spent, then you need to try to make a change in your thinking. You probably don’t want to spend this money and it’s likely that you even feel a good bit of buyer’s remorse after a big purchase. You won’t stop spending, though, unless some outside help is found. That outside help can often be found in the form of hypnosis. Hypnosis can go to work on your subconscious thoughts. Subconscious thoughts are the things that power your actions. If you can learn to harness those thoughts through hypnosis, you can fix compulsive problems and a bunch of other things.

I have treated people for lots of different conditions. I have helped people stop smoking and stop gambling by using hypnosis techniques. Hypnosis is something that many people are unaware of. They have preconceived notions about what hypnosis might be. If you have problems with compulsive spending, then hypnosis could something that helps you get over it. It is important that people with all sorts of problems explore all of their options. Get information on hypnosis to find out if it’s right for you.

Hypnotherapy – The Best Complimentary Therapy

It is my belief that hypnotherapy is the best complimentary therapy because hypnosis affects people at every level including psychological, physiological, emotional, and even spiritual. And really, only hypnotherapy has the power to do that.

It allows you to work on specific problems one by one, but at the same time, it can improve your overall health and well-being in several areas concurrently. Some people seek hypnotherapy to address a specific area while others seek the overall benefits of hypnosis on a regular, ongoing basis. Many people use hypnosis alone while others supplement it with other forms of therapy.

Although every form of therapy is valuable on its own, there is a definite overlap within all methods of treatment. What hypnosis does is it provides a link and it connects those areas together physiologically.

Whether you are in physical therapy recovering from an injury, or in psychotherapy due to emotional stress, it doesn’t matter. Hypnosis can compliment either or both of those treatments, because hypnosis has the power to affect all those areas in a positive way. So in compliment to your physical therapy, it can help you cope on an emotional level with the strain of the injury.

If you are trying acupuncture to help you quit smoking, there is a specific technique that addresses your physical need for nicotine, but acupuncture alone does little to tackle the psychological craving, the mental tug of war that plays out in the early stages of breaking any pattern of long standing, habitual behaviour. Hypnotherapy can compliment the acupuncture by addressing the psychological need for relief.

Another excellent example of combined therapy is the effect of aromatherapy. When I tried an aromatherapy massage, there is no question I was subdued into total relaxation. It was a fantastic experience in itself, and in my case, I actually achieved hypnosis. It’s beneficial by itself, or it can be used as an aide for inducing hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy utilizes a mixture of different models that people are already exerting; they’re just made more powerful when used with hypnosis. Nearly all therapies are successful at producing change in a specific area. Hypnotherapy simply produces change in more areas. This fact makes it the best complimentary therapy in addition to being an excellent stand alone treatment for many problems, specific or combined.

It is important to remember that hypnotherapy is not intended to replace modern medicine or in any way refute its effectiveness. You may choose to use hypnotherapy alone instead of mainstream treatment for whatever condition you are addressing, and that’s a personal choice any individual can make, but it’s not our mandate as hypnotherapists to replace modern medicine, nor do we suggest that hypnosis ever could.

Alternative medicine, which is quite commonly used these days, is very much positioned to offer people a different way to address their health issues. It essentially opposes traditional medicine, by offering stand alone treatments that would directly conflict with traditional treatment and cannot be safely or effectively combined. I would absolutely not place hypnotherapy in that category. Hypnotherapists are not in competition with doctors and health care workers, and we do not suggest that anyone abandon their medical practitioner in favour of hypnotherapy.

By contrast, I believe that hypnosis is an excellent companion to modern medicine. We tend to forget that hypnosis has been used for many years by doctors and health care professionals like psychologists. It in no way undermines the effectiveness of modern treatment. Rather, it can compliment it quite naturally and quite effectively.

For instance, if you are trying to quit smoking, hypnotherapy alone can help immensely, but if you are also using the patch, then you are increasing your odds of success. There is no conflict… one treatment works extremely well with the other.

If you are taking any type of treatment for a medical condition and you find yourself struggling with the side effects, you can turn to hypnotherapy to alleviate the intensity of the side effects and increase you tolerance of the medication, so that it can do its job.

The word alternative suggests that we are looking for a different way of doing things. We’re not. We’re looking to provide a means for the improved physical and mental health of anyone and everyone who needs it. I believe that modern medicine is already doing that. I also believe that hypnotherapy is the ultimate complimentary therapy and can help in so many ways.