Author Archives: Specialist Online Dictionary

How To Prevail Over Worry

Worry though seems to be one word; it holds the power to change one’s life completely. Worry can incite you to take wrong decisions which can prove fatal in later stages of life. Thus, one needs to keep worry at bay if he/ she want to emerge successful in battle of circumstances. Winners and losers are differentiated by a thin line and the point which draws the difference between two is the way they take situations which life throws at them. Winner never feels worried and stays cool whereas looser tend to behave as grief stricken and is unable to handle the situations well. Though it is not difficult to stay calm and composed but if you feel you get webbed by worries easily, you need to know how to prevail over worry and keep yourself calm.

First of all you must ponder over the way you take situations coming across you. Whether you take things in an aggravated manner or not e.g. if you feel tensed when a new task is assigned to you without having an insight into it and the way you can get your work accomplished, you worry about how to do it. If tension and panic are your first reactions, then you need to work on this aspect of yours. You need to change your attitude. Attitude is the way you perceive the situations. You need to stay positive and should ask for more details regarding work or should sit and try to extract the reasons which are responsible for the present state. Once you have figured out the reasons, the next thing you should look out for are the ways to make the normalcy restored. Always remember, don’t take any decisions in haste or in tension as often you make wrong decisions. Moreover, being worried you are not able to think for any alternative which would exist. For this, you should consult your friends or family as they look from different view of point and may be they can conclude a better solution for the same situation that wouldn’t have came into your mind earlier.

Often we aggravate the conditions when we seem to get worried but the need of hour is opposite. You need to keep your head cool and shouldn’t panic if you want to prevail over worry. Make yourself relaxed, sit down and try to ponder the possible solutions for the situation. The best way is to jot the solutions on a paper which comes in your mind and then try to apply those solutions and think of their consequences. Remember, only positive frame of mind can bail you out of the present state. After eliminating some choices, you will conclude the best solution for that situation.

You should have faith in yourself and shouldn’t lose it any moment. Try to apply the best possible solution having faith you can get the things right or can overcome that situation. Always remember, half battle is always won in mind. Thus, to prevail over worry you need to have a calm, composed and positive attitude towards the situations.

How To Practice The Law Of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is all about aligning your thoughts and actions into what you want to happen in your life. It practices the success principle of ‘what you think about, you bring about’. This success strategy really gained prominence thanks to the movie The Secret, which had its ‘world premier’ in March 2006. Since then, millions of people all over the globe have applied the universal Law of Attraction into their daily lives and proclaim that their lives have been better ever since. So, should you be practicing the Law of Attraction as well?

You Cannot Escape the Law of Attraction…

One of the great things about the universal Law of Attraction is that its tenets are not hard to put into practice at all! In fact, many people say that the biggest secret in the movie The Secret is that its doctrines are not classified at all! The underlying principles of the Law of Attraction have been with us – ready to be practiced – all this time. So why then have we abandoned these steps to success?

Life happened and somehow, somewhere, people started believing that they do not deserve happiness. As such, people wake up afraid to expect the best and prepare for the worse. Do you see that this is still the Law of Attraction working? By THINKING that the worse will happen, people are bringing about problems to themselves. So kick the habit! Do expect the best and the best will happen to you.

Practicing the Law of Success from the movie The Secret Morning till Night

Here are some simple tips so you can start living the Law of Attraction and start attracting success into every aspect of your life.

Practice the attitude of gratitude the minute you wake up. Nothing can be a better caffeine kick than happiness so why not start your day with this Law of Attraction exercise: remember all the wonderful things you are (or ought to be) grateful for. Even on a subconscious level, a lot of people live as if they are ‘victims’ instead of ‘drivers’ of life. Avoid this trap by starting each day with thoughts of how great and beautiful your life is at the moment. This mental exercise will ‘set the stage’ of more beautiful things to come.

Pay it forward. The universe is not all about you. The Law of Attraction is based on the universal law of cause and effect and nothing can be more positively powerful than doing a good deed for someone. You don’t have to go out and save lives but simple things such as helping an elderly cross the street or lift something, or help someone who’s lost in your area can do wonders on two levels: firstly, you WILL feel good about yourself and if you’re happy, the universe will smile back at you in one form or another; secondly, the person you assisted will think happy thoughts of you too further attracting positive vibes!

Align your outer world with your inner world. As mentioned in the movie The Secret, you cannot cheat the universe. Even if you think or say you’re ready for happiness and success, the way you live, dress and act is the true measure. So synchronize your intentions and your actions. For instance, if you want that better-paying job, don’t just wish for it; act on it! Prepare a knock-out resume, network with other people, change your wardrobe and dress for success, improve the appearance of your smile and more! Life success is not handed out, it is the end based on your means.

End the day with ‘happy thoughts’! At the end of the day, do this simple Law of Attraction exercise: imagine yourself living a certain ‘moment’. For example, in the romance department, close your eyes and envision that romantic dinner with your special someone (regardless if you already have a special someone or not!). Is your goal to purchase a new home? Close your eyes and picture yourself tending the garden at the back of your new home or sitting down and reading a book in your new home’s living room. Remember, what you think about… you bring about.

The Law of Attraction, as advocated in the movie The Secret, is one of the most powerful doctrines we are made aware of (again) now. So grab this remarkable opportunity to make your life a success. Make each day count by living this success system that never fails.

How to Plan your Day

Sometimes you feel like you are ready to overcome everything, you can manage any strain and solve the most difficult problems. But this state continues for a very short period of time. After a while you get short of breath and feel exhausted, ready to drop from fatigue. This happens not because you don’t cope with everything you are given, but because you aren’t able to plan your day efficiently. All the trouble comes from you not being disorganized, though you are full of good intentions to change yourself. Without doubt, it is very difficult to get used to a stable system when your life before was not properly organized and was a total mess of events and things. Let’s start from defining top priority. What do you consider the most important thing to do during the day? When you pick a one, put it on your schedule in the most convenient way for you and see how effective is the time you’ve schedule it on. The key is to choose the most effective and suitable timing for everything, not to mix it up and create a mess we want to get rid of.

Once the core of your schedule is established, you put other events around it. You still have to assess your possibilities and the result effectively. If you, for example, put washing at 2p.m. and your date at 3p.m. it somehow creates misbalance, you’ll obviously be running out of time so you’ll have to think like a chessman, three-four moves forward. You can watch TV and write your college admission essay at the same time, you can read a book and listen to the music, you can go for a walk and than apologize for not washing the dishes for the hundredth time. If you are not Julius Caesar, you are to change your lifestyle a bit. When you see that your deadline on your custom term paper is past due, you begin to worry. Now that’s a signal to refocus. To schedule your day properly, you need to plan it the way, you get enough rest and don’t exhaust yourself to death. A normal grown up requires a 6-hour sleep, so be careful to apply this rule to your schedule for you to stay healthy and fit.

If to get a closer look at one’s daily routine, we can see that there are a lot of unnecessary things that he/she does. Wasting time is a great expense that one can’t afford. There are only twenty four hours in a day and you are not to waist them. Look over the whole system and decide what can be dropped and what is more important for you. For example, if you have the habit to reread the books you’ve once read, you’d better start forgetting about it and using the time to do something useful, like reading new ones. A planned day makes people organized and self-motivated. If their day is carefully planned, so is every aspect of their lives. But if the system requires instant change due to some extreme circumstances, we have to accept them and make our schedule wider to put something in or to shorten it by dropping something out. According to the results of the investigation, people who had their days practically packed with events were more successful at work and in private than those, who had plenty of free time. The advice is not to rush like mad everywhere but know what is a good time to relax and have fun and what is a good time to work.