Author Archives: Specialist Online Dictionary

How To Stop Marijuana Cravings

Would you like to learn proven methods to stop marijuana cravings from tempting you?

According to the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse that was conducted in 2001, it is estimated that 83 million Americans have tried marijuana. It is also estimated that 5.6 million of these users reporting having problems with illicit drug use and more than 2 million of these users feel dependant on smoking marijuana.

There are effective treatments and supplements that you can take to control the urge to smoke marijuana, however not everyone can afford to go to a rehab clinic or fork out hundreds of dollars for craving supplements that may or may not work.

This is where Emotional Freedom Technique (or EFT) comes into place. It is free, quick, easy and very effective at stopping cravings of all kinds including craving to smoke marijuana joints.

So what is EFT?

EFT is in simple terms, a method to break habits. By applying pressure on certain areas of your body whilst thinking about your craving you can reverse this craving for whatever it is you do not want. The technique is also used to send positive affirmations to your subconscious mind. The technique looks very strange but it is very simple to do and very effective. I would recommend everyone try this technique as it is so simple to achieve results.

What you will be doing is tapping with our fingertips on certain key points of the body. Just before tapping and during tapping you should concentrate on your craving. For example, if you wanted to smoke a joint, you would think about smoking a joint and imagine yourself already smoking a joint.

It’s very simple stuff and can be performed by anyone. Results are instant and the whole process should not take you more than 3 minutes to complete.

Sign up to the Cannabis Addicts newsletter to recieve a free EFT guide.

How To Stop Drinking Alcohol: Finding Support And Help

Are you a slave to alcohol addiction,? Or do you know someone who needs to learn how to stop drinking alcohol?

Whichever is the case, it helps to know the different types of help that are available to the alcoholic. They come in different forms, from the informal to the government-supported, from the professional to the charitable. Every country differs in its culture and make-up, so this article strives to give the general ideas.

The Alcoholic

Before anything else, the alcoholic has to make the decision to change. This can be harder than you expect: An alcoholic may blame circumstances and other people for his predicament, and may deny the problem. Be aware that an alcoholic may also drink because of the extra attention he gets, either while drunk or afterwards when sober.

Until the person suffering from alcohol addiction admits to the problem and realizes that he needs help, there is unlikely to be much change.

Friends and Family

Once the decision has been made, friends and family can support the decision by staying alcohol-free around the person, and refusing to “feel sorry” for, or pay any attention at all, to the drinker when she drinks. Plenty of praise and positive reinforcement should accompany teetotaler behavior; but don’t overdo it for people who are shy of their own emotions.

Government Help

Some governments provide help for drinkers. Telephone or ask a GP for advice. If this is available in your area, take advantage of them.

The Medical Profession

Your doctor should know suitable organizations that can help. Again, this differs greatly from country to country, but it’s easy to ask. At the least, the doctor should be able to refer to a specialist counselor or therapist.

Complementary Therapy

People react differently to complementary therapies; for example, some people give up alcohol altogether with acupuncture, whereas others find it makes no difference. It is worth experimenting if you have the budget.

Certain complementary therapies work directly with the mind, such as hypnotherapy, and this is also worth a try. You can also research on the Internet.

Charitable Organizations

Some charities work with alcohol addiction. Some do not specialize, but provide a helpful ear. Look in the telephone book or ask around to learn of suitable ones.

Self-Help and Support Groups

Do not underestimate the importance of self-help. The drinker needs to realize that it is within his power to stop, and self-help allows him to take control of the process. Self-help can range from learning self-hypnosis to getting suitable books from the library, going to support groups and taking up a new hobby.

How To Stop Blushing Without Surgery

Shyness and blushing often go hand in hand. Blushing can sometimes feel uncontrollable and if you have a shy disposition then blushing can feel 100 times worse.

The problem is, many people decide to jump straight in for drastic measures such as surgery…when the real problem lies inside the mind. Now unless they were planning to remove the “faulty” section of their brain that is actually causing the blushing (which is actually impossible) then I would suggest this to be the worst possible decision if they wanted to cure blushing for good.

Blushing is associated with shyness, social anxiety and low self confidence. Surgery cant “nip and tuck” those problems with a knife.

There are of course many ways to counteract these problems. First you need to understand which comes first – the shyness/low self confidence/anxiety or the blushing?

This might sound strange, but some people blush that are not shy and only become shy or anxious as a result of their blushing.

This is a viscous circle that can quickly escalate.

So, are you a shy/anxious person that has a tendency to blush? Or are you an outgoing person who can’t help blushing either way?

If you feel that you blush uncontrollably and it is making you feel more reclusive and ultimately shyer and more anxious, then you may find solace in treating the physical condition via either cosmetic treatment or, only in extreme circumstances surgery can be an option…although not particularly recommended.

Alternatives to surgery?

There are many products that cater for both men and women in the market today, who might want to stop blushing without surgery. Some are good, some aren’t. Products range from light foundations (yes, men can use them too!) to green tinted creams to counteract the redness.

There are even other alternatives such as acne creams designed for Rosacea sufferers that are known to be highly effective and also a number of vitamin supplements can help to alleviate some of the more extreme cases of facial redness, rosacea, blushing and hot flashes.

Even if you fall into the naturally shy category and feel you blush as a result of being shy, knowing that you aren’t showing your uncomfortable blush can do wonders for you self confidence in itself.

On the other hand, if you are a shy/anxious person and you think that the blushing is a bi-product of being shy, you can begin to tackle the emotional/psychological reasons behind your shyness.

So if you want to know how to stop blushing without surgery, you need to be prepared to take a journey a little deeper than just skin deep…and truly discover the fundamental causes as to your shyness/low self-confidence and anxiety

Perhaps you could reach out either to a professional or a trusted and understanding friend. Or maybe try joining a support group or chat with people online?

Once you have targeted the areas that make you feel this way you should have a better sense of direction when it comes to actually treating your low self confidence issues for good.