Author Archives: Specialist Online Dictionary

How To Win Rousing Applauses To Your Speech

Visualization will help you to discover more energy and joy as you tune in to your inner self. It will also help you gain the competitive edge in your personal and professional relationships. Visualization, or ‘mental imaging,’ is a powerful skill that can be practiced regularly to improve your communication.

It is a process of relaxation in which you can consciously evoke desired sensations and images. It is as if you are watching yourself and your surroundings on an inner screen. When you allow yourself to visualize, you are giving signals to your body to either increase or decrease sensation. You are in control of your sensations of feeling, hearing, smelling, seeing, color and temperature. Therefore, when you visualize, you control your feelings and thoughts. It is important to communicate positive signals, feelings, or ideas to maximize pleasant thoughts and situations, and eliminate unpleasant thoughts or situations.

To practice visualization, first choose a place that is relatively quiet, and where you can be alone for fifteen to thirty-minutes. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Breathe deeply and calm your body. For practice, imagine yourself sitting on the beach watching the sunset over the ocean . . . listen to the sound of the wind and waves.. . feel the sun as it touches your face . . . see the blue sky, touch the rocks and sand, and focus on anything else that is pleasing to you. Upon completion open your eyes, relax, and get ready for the next segment.

Next, close your eyes and try to create as real an image of the actual situation that you want to change. Focus on what is in the background and the foreground of your surroundings. Now choose a behavior (habit), or a skill, that is important to you. Make sure that it’s one that you want to modify or change. It may be a new skill that you want to improve upon such as public speaking. When you have the particular situation in mind, visualize your movements and begin to slow yourself down (breathing deeply). See (in your mind) yourself speaking in front of a group. Listen to what you are saying. Observe your nonverbal gestures. Visualize this segment as if it were in slow motion. Pay attention to your own movements and sounds.

Next, begin to change and correct your verbal and nonverbal behaviors that may be frustrating your communication and performance. Replace your unproductive actions with ones that are more appropriate to improving your skills and increasing your performance. With your eyes still closed, allow yourself to review the situation again, only this time in the normal speed and in the new way. Remember, pay close attention to your verbal and nonverbal communication. You should be filling yourself with feelings of confidence. Imagine the audience applauding.

When you have finished open your eyes. It may be important for you to write down certain parts of your experience. This form of guided imagery can be implemented on a regular basis. Practicing fifteen minutes a day and increasing your time, incrementally, to thirty minutes is recommended.

How To Use The Law Of Natural Selection To Attain Success

Here’s another simple, unjustly discarded but effective tip for success – keep doing something new every day!

Notice that I said “keep doing something new every day”, instead of just “keep doing something every day”.

It doesn’t matter at first if you think you’re doing things which do not seem to move you forward in achieving your goals.

If you keep doing something new which you’d never done before or had not done yesterday, you are sure to stumble upon a breakthrough that is going to propel you towards your success faster than you had ever anticipated.

When you do this, that is, when you keep doing something new every day in your attempts to hit your target, you are copying nature, you are actually putting the law of genetic natural selection to practical use in your life.

Now I won’t go into the details of natural selection, let the geneticists and the expert biologists handle that, but the basic concept you can learn from the law of natural selection is that even the tiniest changes in the genetic make-up of a species from generation to generation will eventually yield the grandest and most profound results.

There’s an old saying that goes, “If you keep on doing what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got”.

This is true, unless, you keep on doing something new every day in your endeavour to achieve your goals. It can be something slightly new or something radically different from what you had been initially doing.

Become a scientist. Every day, take note of what you did and the results you have actually attained. Collect all the tips and advice you have acquired to attain success in your chosen field and list them all down in the simplest of terms on a piece of paper as some form of a checklist.

Let’s label these tips and advice collectively as tactics. Pick one tactic or find a way to bunch a few tactics together to form one super-tactic and commit yourself to test out that tactic every day.

Observe your success with that tactic or super-tactic and log it in.

Over a course of time, review your success log and see which of the tactics seemed to have yielded the best results for you. Marry the most successful tactics together and see how you can create your very own step-by-step action plan.

Take a fresh piece of paper and forge your solid action plan for success and commit yourself to it. Define precisely what you need to do each and every day, the routine tasks that must be done to ensure progress towards achieving your goals. Break up your goal or goals into bite-sized easily attainable targets that you must meet every day.

Now as you commit yourself to this new action plan for success of yours, do not entirely abandon the principle of observing and logging your daily successes and failures (feedback) and continue to do so, modifying and adapting and evolving your action plan as you go along.

In time, you will forge out a clear path to success for yourself. This path belongs entirely to you and you alone. It is a unique algorithm that only you could have created and only you can make a success out of.

How To Use A Meditation Mp3

Using a Meditation mp3 is a popular way to relax. Removing stress from our lives is vital, if we want to be healthy and happy. Unfortunately, no matter how hard we try, stress is inevitable. Learning to relax and relieve stress is the key. The reality is that most of us do not have access to the tools needed to learn relaxation techniques. Fortunately, these files can teach you the skills that will help you unwind and release stress.

How It Works

Meditation mp3 files work in two specific ways. These files can be used to teach the basic concepts of relaxation, by walking you through the process. In addition, many sites offer downloads that can enhance the meditative experience. The files consist of music, nature, or brown noise, which help you to release stress and achieve a higher level of meditation.

What’s The Benefit?

The real benefit of meditation mp3 files is how convenient they are. Many of the files are designed to be used with headphones, so you can use them regardless of your surroundings. They are available in a variety of lengths, which means you can take a breather from a stressful situation at work by rejuvenating your spirit with a four or five minute meditation session. Because they are mp3 files, they are also portable. You have the ability to download your favorites to your mp3 player. This allows you to take the meditative effects with you anywhere.

It is a fact that the world is a stressful place, and this daily stress can affect our health and well-being. Science has shown that stress can cause high blood pressure and heart disease. Some scientists believe that these negative influences can even make our bodies more susceptible to cancer. However, meditation mp3 files are a simple way to battle the chaos within our lives. It is the perfect way to invigorate the mind and spirit no matter where you are.