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Hypnotism Techniques

Hypnotism is a temporary trance-like state of extreme concentration. It is induced by the person known as a hypnotist. His suggestions are immediately accepted by the subject. Hypnotism is the scientific use of hypnosis. And some professionals use hypnotism to treat the patients having certain psychological or medical problems.

Some hypnotism techniques are being used from the ancient times. As such, hypnosis is a natural part of the human behavior affecting social, physical and psychological experience. And the effect of hypnotism depends upon the motivation and willingness of the person being hypnotized. Note: hypnosis can be compared with sleepwalking and dreaming.

There are various techniques of hypnosis that are sure to be successful. The best technique is the one that you find the most comfortable; the best technique of your choice may be a combination of many different techniques.

Some of the popular hypnotism techniques include:

* Conversational or Covert Hypnosis
* Subliminal Hypnosis
* Handshake Induction
* Hypnosis Spiral
* Progressive Relaxation
* Bright Objects
* Video Hypnosis

Conversational is one of the best hypnotism techniques wherein the person who is hypnotized is not aware of this fact. It is very effective when the audience trusts the person planning the hypnotism. There has been a good amount of resonance established. This style requires perfection. It is highly effective for those who are in the fields such as sales.

Subliminal hypnosis

This is very useful for the persons who are attempting self-hypnosis and the behavioral improvement. It is one of the effective methods used to improve the lifestyle, enhance and persuade. And it is beneficial in advertising and in self-help situations and settings.

Handshake induction

In this technique, the intended audience goes in a trance-like phase immediately but for the short time. In this type of hypnosis, every second is important. The hypnotist should make the suggestions very quickly for the better impact. There are different skills within this technique. It is better to learn more skills of thought and working.

Hypnosis Spiral

This technique of hypnotism develops a trance like state. It is induced by the use of some type of object moving in the spiral movement. And it is the best method to achieve the desired result more effectively and quickly. The object used is generally the swinging pendulum.

Progressive Relaxation

This is the recommended method in many clinical settings. A hypnotic trance is induced in the subject by tensing and followed by relaxing every muscle in the body until it reaches to completely relaxed state. Then, the subject is open to suggestion. The hypnotist suggests that their eyelids are getting heavy, their limbs are going limp etc.

Bright Objects

This technique resembles with the hypnosis spiral. In this technique, the subject is focused on the shiny, bright object. It is done until it becomes difficult to focus and the eyelids of the object become heavy. At this time, the hypnotist starts to speak and gives the suggestion to close the eyes and relax. If the mind of the subject is open to suggestion, the subject will comply and the session will start.

Video Hypnosis

With the increasing popularity of the internet, the use of Video Hypnosis has become a favorite technique of many. This technique is effective for the self-hypnosis.

Hypnotism Help

Hypnosis is a therapy that can be used to improve the concentration levels and thereby achieving your goals and ambitions in life. Hypnosis helps to increase the self confidence and self esteem.

If you have got more good traits but you are shy to express anything then you certainly need hypnosis therapy. You need not be arrogant or selfish, but you should possess self confidence to achieve your goals. For improving self confidence you should first get ready mentally to remove your negative thoughts and believe in yourself and in your capabilities.

Consider these points about hypnosis:

1) You should learn to eliminate the unnecessary fears you have that are burdens in your career. For example, if anybody praises you and you do not feel that you are not fit for that, you need to learn to accept and enjoy admiration. This will help to improve your self confidence. In short, you should not think too much about what others will say but rather you should instead focus on removing your doubts. You can thus learn to make positive decisions and this will help you to attain self confidence and self esteem.

2) You can use hypnosis to get relief from worry, pain, stress and fear. Some people will have many fear and phobias. And such things can act as hurdles for self improvement. In these case, you can use hypnosis to get rid of fears and phobias. You can start either self hypnosis or get the help of a hypnotist.

3) You can also learn to be happy with the help of hypnosis. Life will be harder if you are indulge in sadness and worries all the time. You must learn to be cheerful. Be happy hypnosis will help you to eliminate your sadness quickly. You can remove your negative thoughts with the help of hypnosis.

‘Be happy’ hypnosis motivates to produce a world carefree and happy. The happiness starts from your inner mind. You should stay relaxed and set your mind to be happy. Always wake up with the smile. Tell your subconscious mind that you are self content with everything you have.

4) Many people think that hypnosis is a strange subject. But you can use even self hypnosis to change your behavior and thoughts. Many experts believe that our thoughts rule our body. So the more you think positively the more you can attain positive results. You must also learn not to focus your mind in negative thinking. This is because negative thoughts can have the same impact like positive thoughts.

5) Hypnosis helps the inner mind to relax. In this relaxed mind status you can tell our suggestions repeatedly to your subconscious mind. This will help you improvement in personal life or in business.

6) Hypnotism can help those people who really want to be hypnotized. It will not help you if you want not to be hypnotized. Hypnosis really relaxes you from your worries and stress levels. You can feel like you’ve had hours of sound sleep when you are in medium trances for minutes.

In short, you can use hypnosis for nearly anything. Even if you want to lose your body weight you can do that with hypnosis. Hypnosis also helps to get rid of addictions to smoke, drinks, drugs, computer or video games.

Hypnotic Feminization

Feminization, as the term implies, is the conscious effort to adapt feminine traits. It is trying to transform from male to female through adapting the latter’s behavior, speech, actions among other things. It is a bold expression of breaking gender standards for personal satisfaction.

A typical example of feminization is cross-dressing. This is where men wear women’s clothing and accessorize themselves with feminine things so as to obtain the appearance of a female. It has become a popular practice among transsexuals; especially now that we live in a world with fewer inhibitions.

These individuals dress up in a feminine way so as to gain personal satisfaction, express themselves, gain attention and attract other people. Cross-dressing has become a trend in transsexuals especially during social gatherings and other similar occasions.

A more aggressive practice of feminization is through availing of the expertise of medical experts and the like for actual physical transformation. Some examples are introducing female hormones to the male body so as to allow bodily changes that could make him look more feminine.

Facial feminization is another example where the man undergoes reconstruction usually in the form of surgery to appear more feminine. Another is through having breast implants and similar materials to appear to have breasts. Some transsexuals even have their genitals replaced by that of a female.

Other popular practices are Forced Feminization and Hypnotic feminization. In forced feminization, the male is forced to become feminine in behavior, appearance and acts usually by a female. This is to illustrate and exaggerate a certain form of dominance of the female towards the opposite sex.

Through doing this, there is re-assignment of power which causes personal satisfaction to the one in control. It is a form of role-playing where the shift allows one party or both to fulfill their secret desires even on for a short period of time only. Usually, there is a superficial refusal be the inferior one as he also enjoys the whole feminization act.

Another type is Hypnotic Feminization. This is where a male is hypnotized so as to allow him to reach a superficial level of existence where he gets to enjoy having the traits of a female. While on trance, he experiences appearing, feeling and talking like a female. For more sexually oriented hypnosis, he even gets to experience having female body parts such as the genital as well as breasts. This process enables the subject to fulfill his desires to actually become a female even temporarily.