List of RTG Online Casinos – Paid Surveys For Teens

They walk into a party with all the confidence in the world because they know they are going to have fun and they are making money to party.

The consumers are excited to see the monster energy girls because they know they are about to receive some promotional items and free product.

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Monster Energy Drink girls must be seductive and great at alluring in their customers. They get most of their confidence from being around a crowd of people and knowing that these people are treating them like a celebrity.

Can you imagine how much confidence you would have after entering a party and everyone wanted to take pictures of you… well that’s how it is for a monster energy drink girl.

I feel bad for all the pretty girls that I see in a bar that are not getting paid to party. Most of the promotions I have done, I get so many pretty girls asking me how they can become a promotional model.

The majority of girls that I have hired knew absolutely nothing about doing promotional work. They were just beautiful girls that approached me during a promotion and asked me how could they become models like my girls.

I would also get a bunch of guys approach me during the promotion begging me to hire their girlfriends or a girl they thought was hot. They wanted to be the guy that was dating or hanging out with a promo girl. The guys were also shocked to find out how much the girls made per hour…

They were so shocked that they asked me if they could be a promo guy.. sorry I do not hire guys.

Promotional modeling is a great way to make extra income doing part time work.

Most beverage promotional models make a couple of thousand a month and even more.

The girls get the opportunity to travel out of the country such as during spring break, they get to go to Cancun and other spring break destinations. a

My girls really have the greatest time when they get to hang out with celebrities during exclusive parties.

Some will tell me that the greatest part of being a beverage promotional model besides the money is the friends they get to meet and work with.

Being a promo girl is exciting and it allows you to build your confidence. What other job can you have that allows you to get paid to party?

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