<p> started thinking about the Trinity: Father, Son or daughter, mother and Holy Spirit. Father is the sun. He gives life and helps us grow. The book "Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ" by Levi, ideas of the Trinity are revealed. Father is God. Son or daughter is Christ or God's love. Holy Spirit, or Holy Breath is truth, faith, wisdom, and mind of God. <br /> <br /> S Father's will is supreme. One of my spiritual teachers always said: "There will be only one" God 'will and desire are all in my mind .. How could there be only one? If everything is really divine order, then what happens to us comes to the Father. I have personally seen so much suffering, I learned that there is always a divine reason for it. I is going to believe in chance All suffering comes to us for a purpose .. < br /> <br /> Christ is the perfect son or daughter of God. Jesus came to earth to teach us God's love manifest. He perfected his soul in many lives, to become the vehicle of the Spirit of Christ working entirely by Edgar Cayce himself., famous seer said that Jesus was Adam. Because of the fall "man, Jes; Christ beings. This will open the 1000 years of peace promised to us in the Bible: <br /> <br /> or breathing the Holy Spirit brings us many gifts .. As part of the triune God is Mother. We a Father, I have a son or daughter, so the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is a divine mother We missed centuries Women .. It's time to bring him back. <br /> <br /> is time to recognize the divine Eternal Mother Goddess Sorry guys., we take our place in the cosmos. If we are truly God's image, there are lots of women running around the world – all made in the divine image. The current title of a book called "Lipstick Gate Operator God. It bears also high heels and a skirt! <br /> <br /> brings us seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. "Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and may the spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord "(Isaiah 11:1-3). <br /> <br /> What struck me was one day coverage unit " Daily Word "," Breath of God makes the ice "(Job 37:10). I began to think about how you the truth. When you talk, or else talk to usThere also arises when we experience communication across the "veil". People describe themselves as "strange" or that "all the hair on my body stood up." The thrill of truth allows us to verify the truth is told at this time. <br /> <br /> If the Holy Spirit is the truth Mother of God, icy chills of truth is a built-in barometer that lets us know when we are in a time of knowledge. Tai Chi my professor told me: "Something is not about regions of ice" is that the mountains are closer to heaven? When snow falls., All blankets for renewal is made all things new and the same thing .. Helps create "unity of us all. <br /> <br /> In a dream I saw myself wrapped up and hiking the mountains of ice and heavy snow. In regions of ice, is more difficult to move, move from place to place I felt. I was a great testing ground. The fact that ice can be transformed into a creative process reveals the three stages of water changes. solid ice, liquid water, water vapor. It states water is translated as solid (body), liquid (spirit) andtruth of our emotions – watery element in our body. <br /> <br /> quartz crystal is said petrified water. Water was found inside the crystal formations. All quartz crystals have six sides, like snowflakes. Piezoelectric quartz quality, which means he has a change of power flow. <br /> <br /> As we become more advanced we become transmitters of divine energy – life force. My