Twitter is the brand new social network traffic tool to hit the Internet marketing scene. Pretty much all Internet marketers are now using this and lots of marketers make use of the website every day, there are lots of substantial advantages for making use of it such as attracting web traffic and building your business. It s an excellent social network tool and website however it won’t be a ‘job-killer’ by sending huge amount of web traffic and making loads of sales unless you promote products which are connected to making money by using twitter.
Below are a number of methods to generate web traffic using Twitter:
1. Post links on twitter to your brand new products along with any blog posts. This does obtain a fair amount of web traffic (the more receptive your Twitter following is the more traffic you get).
2. You can also syndicate your blog posts using Digg along with all the other social bookmarking websites. This will assist you in generating far more traffic and also improve your search engine rankings.
3. Create a receptive list. Ask subscribers within your autoresponder mailing list to sign up to your ‘Tweets’ so that they keep up to date with what you are doing. This is terrific for building a better relationship with your subscribers, which means far more sales.
4. And don’t forget, that Twitter it is a fantastic tool for building your business if you wish to. The direct messaging tool within Twitter can sometimes be far more successful than email, it is a lot more likely that somebody will notice a Twitter direct message rather than your email you sent (which will probably be lost within all the other emails they receive).