The smart article marketer knows the value of finding new ways to gain more exposure. The most important thing you can ever do is to work on producing more visitors to your business site.
What we want you to think about is to stop being the lemming and going along when there are other things you can be doing. You do not have to be a pioneer, but you really should consider seeing what is possible. Those who do well in business tend to have similar traits, behaviors and beliefs.
One new article marketing product is called Article Builder. It was developed by Jon Leger, who also created The Best Spinner and it spits out unique articles super fast.
You can grab the attention of your readers starting with the title or headline by giving them hard data in the form of numbers. If you look at examples in article directories, you will see that lots of people do that. If the numbers in the headline strategy is good enough for magazines, then you know it is worthwhile. Another important point is to know that the people who write for magazines are paid well for their headlines. The entire headline has to work well and properly address the concerns of your audience. If you want to really find some things to write about, then use alert functions like what Google has, and then insert your keywords. Then you will choose interesting news topics, which will be relevant to a keyword phrase, and then use that in your content. All you have to do is make it work for your audience, and it is already topical information. Using this strategy will never fail to be a source of interesting variety on topics that are of current relevance to your readers. While a lot of people know about Google Alerts, we suspect not a lot are using this.
Anyone who has ever written and published anything on the net has had their content stolen. If you’ve published many articles on well known directories, chances are some of these articles are on other people’s sites, in many cases without the resource box they are supposed to include. Believe it or not, you can sometimes make this work in your favor. Anytime you find an instance of someone using your content without including a link, send them an email. Don’t be angry or threatening, but talk to them in a reasonable manner. Offer them your future articles, and an occasional unique, on a regular basis – but they must include your contact link. On the other hand, if they keep your article without a link, let them know that you have no other choice but to file a DMCA notice against them. By maintaining a professional approach to article marketing, there’s no limit to what it can accomplish for your online business. As with anything else, your results are heavily influenced by the way you think about article marketing. Again, when you become 100% serious about your business and article marketing, then everything changes for the better. To get the most out of article marketing, you not only need to know the best strategies, you also have to put them into practice each day.