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Latest news from Science Daily

Fool yourself: People unknowingly cheat on tasks to feel smarter, healthier


When given the opportunity, individuals will cheat to feel smarter or healthier, engaging in diagnostic self-deception to convince themselves that their performance is due to their ability and not the cheating, according to new research.


Brain-wide activity change visualized as geometric patterns


Researchers have applied a visualization technique to depict the brain's activity related to visual perception as geometric patterns. They visualized different shapes as the ever-changing neuronal activity in the temporal and frontal lobes of the brain during object recognition and recalling memories. This achievement promises further extraction of brain activity observed in various aspects of daily life.


Machine psychology: A bridge to general AI?


Artificial intelligence that is as intelligent as humans may become possible thanks to psychological learning models, combined with certain types of AI.


New study uncovers key mechanism behind learning and memory


A breakthrough study sheds new light on how brain cells relay critical information from their extremities to their nucleus, leading to the activation of genes essential for learning and memory.


Insomniac fruit fly mutants show enhanced memory despite severe sleep loss


Fruit fly mutants that have severe sleep deficits perform better at olfactory learning and memory tasks, according to a new study. The paradox of enhanced memory despite sleep loss could be explained by protein kinase A (PKA) signaling in the mushroom body of the fly brain.


How many languages can you learn at the same time? -- Ghanaian babies grow up speaking two to six languages


Africa is a multilingual continent and many adults speak several languages fluently. An empirical study by a psycholinguist now shows that the roots of this multilingualism can be found in infancy: In Ghana, most babies grow up multilingually, with most of them coming into contact with two to six languages and just as many regular speakers of each language. The researchers also showed that the babies heard some languages primarily indirectly -- i.e. via radio, television or background conversations -- while other languages were used by their caregivers to directly communicate with them.


How the brain enables flexible decisions


Our brain is remarkably flexible in producing different reactions to supposedly comparable situations. The same sensory information can lead to different decisions depending on the behavioral context. One example of this is a penalty kick in soccer: a player can either choose the empty corner of the goal as the target or aim directly at the goalkeeper in the hope that he will jump aside. Both decisions are based on the same perception of the goalkeeper's position, but lead to completely different actions. Neuroscientists have investigated how the brain implements this type of flexibility. Their results show that, depending on the requirements, our brain either reuses known neural pathways or develops new patterns to select movements depending on the context.


Listening for multiple mental health disorders


Researchers develop machine learning tools that screen for co-morbid anxiety disorders and major depressive disorder using acoustic voice signals. The team spoke to participants with and without co-morbid AD/MDD and recorded them using a secure telehealth platform. The participants were given a semantic verbal fluency test, in which they were required to name as many animals as possible within a time limit. The team extracted acoustic and phonemic features from the recordings and applied machine learning technique to distinguish subjects with and without comorbid AD/MDD. The results confirmed that a one-minute semantic VFT can be reliably used to screen for AD/MDD.


ECG tests may someday be used by AI model to detect premature aging and cognitive decline


An artificial intelligence (AI) model designed to predict a person's biological age (age of body cells and tissues) based on electrocardiogram (ECG) data found a strong association between ECG-age and cognitive performance.


Animal characters can boost young children's psychological development


A study has shown that iconic characters such as Peter Rabbit -- or Toad and Ratty from The Wind in the Willows -- can also play an important role in the development of children's theory of mind skills, which include the ability to read and predict social changes in the environment through tone of voice, choice of words, or facial expression.




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